Cooking for family is a freaking nightmare.

Banana leaves are an amazing cooking tool. I much prefer larger tamales made with banana leaves than corn husks.

This was a good idea.

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Why have any sauce? Roast chicken & veggies shouldn’t need any, save for a squeeze of lemon.


I made butter chicken and butter tofu on Thursday, served with rice and Naan (keeping a side portion of the gravy out for the tofu before I added the chicken). This for my vegetarian GF daughter. I made regular naan for most of us and GF store bought for my daughter.

The butter tofu was supposed to be paneer but it got too late.


You got fish and chips from what I wrote? Hahaha

Oh, sorry. Hit the wrong poster. I do like your ideas, though. Keep it coming!


Tapas of chorizo, cheese and olives. Peruvian-style roast chicken with aji verde, tortilla española (or roasted potatoes with piquillo peppers and onions), large tossed salad. Flan for dessert. Big pitcher of sangria for those that do.


I think the worst part of cooking for any party is that one has to be excited about the menu oneself. If I’m bored by my own menu, it puts a damper on my excitement about hosting, lol.

Wonder if she’d be happier about the exact same menu if you put a spice/flavor theme on it – Peruvian as @BeefeaterRocks suggested, Indian, Moroccan (rub the chicken with harissa), and so on.


I love roasted chicken thighs and wings, and make them pretty much once a week. Never get tired of them, and they make the house smell so good!


To each their own… I just prefer bigger/bolder flavors… tinga, fried and sauced, Bastilla, curries, pot pies, satay, etc. I just don’t do plain roast, fried, or even BBQ chicken when there are so many more flavorful alternatives.

My family and I like bold flavors, too, but sometimes there’s something to be said for subtle.

Cooks Illustrated or ATK have a roast chicken recipe they call French Chicken In A Pot that’s a big hit for us.

The only place I deviate from their instructions is I put the roasted veggies back in the defatted liquid and blend to make a nice rich gravy.

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That sounds delicious!!! The kind of food I like to eat :yum:

Mimi Thorisson’s roast chicken, slathered with zestily herbed creme fraiche, is NOT BORING. In fact, most probably something none of your guests will have had before. Definitely make 2, 'cause it vanishes.


No argument… just not for me. Not a fan of anything on the bone (other than really great pork ribs). Just want it all dressed up with super flavor, and served up with nothing but a fork, spoon, or chopsticks (OK, with the exception of tacos, burritos, taquitos, empanadas, burgers, dumplings, egg/spring rolls, and just about anything designed to be hand held that ain’t got bones in it). (c;

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I really don’t like chicken except chicken stock in a soup. I really, really think chicken is boring unless it’s in a Mexican mole and even then I prefer turkey. However, I love the Zuni roast chicken recipe and the bread salad. I make it several times a year. Also I love chicken pie, if made with homemade chicken stock and a nice pie crust. That’s American southern and might not work for the Harters family. It’s not a great dish for a hot summer, however. Would coronation salad work, or is that too much of a luncheon dish?


I just had a horrible thought. Does your B-I-L also have to vet the menu?

Husband has a mantra he calls 'the exponent". Essentially, when one person is involved, problems are a function of 1 squared, or one. Two people, problems become square of 2 or four. Three people, yup, nine. Can you keep him at bay during menu negotiations?


Me too, and check out a Bastilla (if you have half a day to make it) Yum!


I make around a dozen variations on roast chicken, too.

I bring home roast chicken spice blend from Austria and Bavaria, i make one with my butcher shop’s blend, I make Greek style, French style, Italian spice blend, a piccata type bake, Vietnamese style with sugar and fish sauce.

I make some sort of roast chicken or chicken parta at least 3 times a month.

And I buy Portuguese roast chickens to go.


You talk about Boring BBQ all the time!

There, I finally said it.:rofl:

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Footnote: Who goes to a great BBQ place and orders chicken?

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Maybe Boring MD or Boring OR?

To your FN, I suppose someone must be buying it if they’re making/selling it.

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