A board for HO members?

Ohhhhh very nice! I’m an Edisonite, raised there although I moved to Monmouth County in 1994. Scotch Plains is a great town, I’m sure you’ll be happy there. While things have obviously changed if you have any general questions about the area inbox me.

Stupid question- do we/did we have a lounge? I thought I had access to something but if we still have one, I can’t find it??

If I’ve been cut off for some reason, that’s fine too but I just want to know that I’m not losing my mind more that I think I am.

I asked the same thing. I don’t think it exists any more

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@Salsailsa you don’t remember the “incident” in the lounge? Oh my…we were all just hanging out there it was like Tuesday night, not much going on. You came in and honestly I thought you looked a bit “off” but I didn’t want to say anything and risk offending you, someone got you a nice glass of chardonnay or maybe it was a pinot grigio I’m not sure.

I’m never one to baby sit someone else’s consumption, but maybe you had 2 or 3…I"m really not sure, but like someone flipped a light switch you went from funny / social, to anarchist. You took your glass and threw it across the room, you were jumping on that nice leather couch that was under the window…chanting something about; “Deport Trump, Burn Hillary and Socialize Sanders Barber”…or something similar to that, it’s hard for me to remember now. Remember that beautiful Venus statue that was in the corner, yeah you smashed that, as you kicked the pieces of Venus, the God of Love around you were shouting something about “Brad, go ahead take Susie to the prom…see if it’s going to affect my life…”

After about 45 mins you seemed to pass out, someone offered to take you home, I"m pretty sure when they took your keys they took your key to the lounge off your key ring. That was the last I knew…

(honestly I have no idea, I just looked I can’t it either…hope I went out in a blaze of glory like you did!!!)


I vaguely remember someone or ones carrying on about it…
and it was decided it would be removed.
The conversation must have taken place in the lounge if
there is no reference to it to be found anywhere.

There was a lounge, with access restricted to users who had reached “Regular” Trust Level.

Then this thread: Thread title amendments - by others, not the OP arose, and it was decided to revoke that trust level from all but @hungryonion


How do you get to “regular” trust level? I’m at basic, and I’ve created 250+ posts and read 14K.

I was going to link that thread but thought there was a more in-depth
conversation someplace else…I may be wrong
Personally I kind of like that it isn’t here anymore


Ah, thanks. It’s my dislike of liking that holds me back. That and I’m just basic.

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You are welcome small_h and gaffk I apologize for answering a question directed to you

I forget what the criteria was to get to that trust level. I thought there was a thread about it, but I can’t seem to find it (maybe it was only visible to “regulars”). Anyway, it seems it has been disabled, so there’s no longer a way to get to that trust level.

If I’m reading that page correctly there is only ONE ‘Regular’ and ONE ‘Leader’ (who I assume would be Robert?), so don’t feel badly.

I had to rob a convenience store at midnight with only a water pistol as my weapon.


(who I assume would be Robert?)…Robert who? (not joking)

Robert runs Food Talk Central. I assume Midlife meant Sampson, who runs HO (and is, indeed, the only one with “Regular” trust level).

That was the root of my confusing, I had no idea who or why Robert of FTC is considered “Trusted”

On a side note you can all trust me!!!

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Yeah, sorry. Mixed my site owners. Comes with age, but there are good things too.

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Be nice NotJr. We older folk can be sensitive. ;o)

Nah, there was a JR guy on CH that was trustworthy. But NotJR is Not to be trusted.

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