What have you never tried?

Because sweaty athletes drink it in commercials? Odd association.

I was a school athlete right in the middle of Gator country. I would drink the stuff by the gallons back then when I was dripping with sweat. There were 2 original flavors/colors. Yellow and orange. I am fine with those but don’t really care for all the new flavors.

As a bit of trivia for those who don’t know, its called Gatorade because it was developed by scientists at the University of Florida and tested by the school’s athletic department. Go Gators!

And yet… :thinking:

don’t forget the GatorGum

No, because years ago there was an advertising campaign that had athletes sweating Gatorade.

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I get drinking Gatorade as part of an athletic event or exercise regime.

But people who drink Gatorade as part of a meal? Hard no.


I found this (Pink Sauce) today at Dollar Tree. Never had it before nor heard of it. From reading the label, it is a “TikTok” sensation consisting of Dragon Fruit and coconut. Has anyone ever heard of it??

I can’t imagine it is “all that” if it ended up on a Dollar Tree shelf – probably some type of product that flopped.

Next week, I’ll make up some plain rice and put it on top.

Where was it made?

Dave’s Gourmet, LLC
San Rafael, CA 94903

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Sort of says all you need to know about Pink Sauce.

Especially for something that retails for $8.


Sort of POs me since “pink sauce “ has usually been assigned to Utah fry sauce or secondarily an old time Chinese restaurant sauce.


I keep a big container of powdered Gatorade for the same purposes. Why lug the bottles when thanks to modern technology I have running water at home?:joy_cat:

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If it is the same stuff that is described in this article, I’d avoid eating it.

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When I saw part of an episode of Roseanne, I thought they were serving
‘moosemeat sandwiches’.
No moose for me or rodents, the land or water loving kind, many of the afore mentioned animals or plants, no zebra either. I did try alligator once. Once was half enough.

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I grew up eating loosemeats.
Our chain was called NuWay, originally from Wichita.
Love the things.
There are still a couple of outposts in the KC exurbs, a NuWay in Leavenworth and a Maid Rite in Lexington.


I have eaten both live fish and live gulf shrimp. So I will go pretty far. I do not eat octopi because they appear to be smarter than we are, hence the planet’s salvation. I have put out matches between my fingers, and I can confirm that we smell like pork when cooking, but I am not sure how we taste.


A friend of mine just made the same comment about octopus.

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I wonder whether those who don’t eat octopus also don’t eat pork.


I had a friend who wouldn’t eat lamb or pork because she thought those baby animals were cute.

Chicks, ducklings and calves are cute, too, but she didn’t have a problem with eating chicken, duck or beef.

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I don’t like the idea of eating reptiles.

I have eaten amphibians, in the form of frogs’ legs, but I don’t like eating them.


My SIL wouldn’t eat chicken with bones.
Had to be boneless and skinless.
Luckily for me she’s my ex SIL these days.