What are You Baking? March 2024

Very nice! I really like the flavour sesame adds to bread.

Looking good! I keep wanting to make baguette. I haven’t cracked the code on that one, yet. My tryout loaves were good, but they weren’t baguette.

Peanut Butter Ingots or fancy name Financiers au Beurre de Cacahuètes. These are a bit different from other financiers as they contain browned butter, icing sugar and peanut butter. The butter really comes thru and the flavor of peanut butter is just a hint. The recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups of icing sugar and i find them rather sweet but ok with dh. Recipe is from Rose’s Heavenly Cakes/Rose Levy Beranbaum


The problem is…if you’ve had really good baguettes, home made is never quite there! I have a benchmark in my head and also not gotten it to that point. I used to make them very frequently, searching for the Holy Grail.


I remember watching Dominique Ansel making them on a show. Made it look so easy… hah! Can’t remember which, will look for it.

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What was I thinking :woman_facepalming:t2:
NOT Dominique Ansel – Eric Kayser.

Here it is – it was a local show here on PBS. Epi, baguette, and more.

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Thank you for that! I’ve actually made Eric Kayser’s baguettes. The making isn’t all that hard but getting the proper results …well that’s another story! I’ve probably made more than half a dozen different formulas, probably more, but the perfection is elusive.
ETA I saw that show when it was broadcast, and a fascinating look at certainly a master! I don’t think any of his NYC survived the pandemic :frowning:. Worth looking at repeatedly. Ty!


I, on the other have not made his baguettes :smiley: but the show was fun to watch and I remember it every so often when someone mentions baguettes!

Occurs to me that now that my sib has a steam oven and I left the pandemic baguette baker there, perhaps I can motivate him to undertake this as a project. (Maison Kayser baguettes used to make every trip with me before they shut down.)


Same. Mine is a bakery in Montreal that I wandered into, years ago. Can’t recall the name, but the baguettes were perfection.

And mine is a small village in the Luberon Mts. In France :rofl: The smell of the wheat in the flour I’ll not forget.

Perfect! How many lemons do you think you used for the half recipe, and what size are they? I got none from my own trees this year, but we got some from a patient of husband’s that I need to use (and oranges too), but they are smaller than I am used to.


Extremely envious right this moment.


It doesn’t require much. We like our glaze on the thin side, and between the cake and the glaze (half recipe) used about 3T. of juice, and a little over 1 T. (packed) of zest. So, 2-3 lemons, depending on size (mine were very small)?

Looking at your magnificent haul, you’ll need to bake a lot of cakes! But the good news is it is delicious, and holds up well. :lemon:




Boy do we like these. Peanut butter is more intense today. So good with coffee, its like having a nice little slice of cake without frosting which sometimes I’m not a fan of. So glad i found another way to use egg whites. Take no time to make and bake anywhere between 15 to 18 minutes.


Corrected reply. Don’t know what happened to the rest of the quote in the previous post.

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Not mine, but here’s a nearby tree. I think these are Lisbon or Eureka.


So pretty


That’s really beautiful. I’ve never seen a lemon tree in real life. That would be absolute heaven to have in the yard.


I found an online version of the recipe here. With such detailed instructions I might be able to make these. Happy Dance.