what are you Baking? February 2024

Sweet Potato Pie


Made this, but used sweet cream buttermilk powder, cut down the salt because I didn’t see why an enriched sandwich loaf needed more than 2% salt, particularly if one does the lower end of the hydration range, but even with the higher one; and I wanted my loaf to be at least 65% hydration, so even though I live somewhere humid I used over 300 g of water.
I also ignored their mixing directions because I think enriched sandwich loaves should have very strong gluten development for optimal texture, and I feel like they skip it in part to not intimidate people who will be put off by the kneading time.

They say 9 or 10-inch pan, but I used a 9” and wished I had gone with 10”. This loaf turns out massive and while I like a tall bread, it can sometimes get compressed at the bottom when there’s too much dough for the pan.


Lemon Tarts for Mom


Gorgeous! Any occasion?

Nope just her favorite.


Copenhagen Rye Cookies with Chocolate,Spice and

Seeds. Recipe from Baking with Dorie. This is a very different type of cookies. About a quarter of the flour is rye. Spices are ground coffee espresso, cardamon, cinnamon. You have a choice of seeds and i had sesame, poppy and sunflower. 8 oz of chopped chocolate. Before baking i sprinkled some sesame seeds and flakey salt. On first bite you get this nutty taste i guess from the rye flour, then the spices and chocolate come thru. Also, we love the salty taste. I think this will be one of my favourite cookies from the book.


@BierMonk What recipe do you use?

Back to (my) basics: Orange olive oil cake.

Full recipe baked into 2 smaller cakes, one for Sunday’s Super Bowl gathering, the other to share.

Hopefully the flavor and texture will have settled well by Sunday. Resisting cutting into the second one.


I do not really have a unified Recipe
Pâte SablÊe 1Egg, 80g Sugar, 250g Flour,125g Butter & pinch Salt or you can use Pâte SucrÊe

Lemon Curd: For every .5 C Lemon Juice I use Zest, 6 Egg Yolks, Scant .5C Sugar and 4oz Butter
Mix Yolks and Sugar add Zest and Juice
Heat stirring constantly with a Spatula till thickened.
Remove from Heat and immediately stir in Butter, Strain directly into fully Baked Shell and allow to set.

I then top it with Italian Meringue and Brown it with a Torch


Thank you! Is that for 1 tart or 2? And what is the size of your tart pan?

The Pâte SablÊe is for 1 28cm Tart Pan
I would Double the Curd

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Those look really interesting.

They are very good. Still nice and chewy the second day and the cardamom is more pronounced


Quick Cheese and Parsley Buns from Warm Bread and Honey Cake. I used to make these quite often but forgot about them for a bit. An easy dough with softened butter and Greek yogurt and a filling of feta and parsley. I often use cilantro. These are great with soup.


Delicious cream pie! Although I didn’t use Oreos in the crust, don’t like them at all. Used a plain chocolate wafer and a bit of black cocoa. Worked well, crust still very crispy the 2nd day.
Stayed pretty true to recipe except a bit more whip cream😊
Couldn’t get the chocolate curls any larger - any tips to get those big curls? I was using a dark milk chocolate spread on the granite counter in the cool pantry room.


Looks delectable!!

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Gorgeous! The chocolate curls are also gorgeous!


Chocolate Raspberry Cake, this has a slightly cracked surface which is typical of soufflÊ type cakes. The cake interior is just a bit undercooked to keep it soft. It hides a layer of raspberries on the bottom of the cake, I dusted the top with Cocoa Sampaka Rojo Oscuro for a matte finish. Served with raspberries and crème fraÎche /sour cream. A small slice is very satisfying! This was made in a 6 x3 and provides 6 to 8 slices.


A belated birthday bake. Oh, this was worth the calories. Came out so creamy and smooth. Basque cheescake(burnt cheesecake) and salted caramel sauce from Baking Wisdom by Anna Olson. Interesting fact, she says the salted cream sauce is good till the expiry date


Of the whipping cream. I swear my words were cut off