Trick or Treating for Halloween

We sold out of candy this year :astonished: Had to close the door at 8:30.

As far as leftover candy, this was in my local paper today:

But I think I like your idea of a troop care package better.


I had a conversation about trick or treats with the 10 and under set this afternoon while I was taking my walk. Best candy they got last night? Kit Kats! (screamed in unison) Worst candy - sweet tarts- also unanimous. I asked their opinion of my snickers/ 3 musketeers offering and they gave it a thumbs up. A number of mini super heroes were out running off their sugar overdose. Capes were starting to fray. But I guess all of us eventually look a little worse for the wear…


When you mentioned Trick or Treat for UNICEF it made me wonder if it is still done and how it began.

Interesting story:


Good read. Thanks for finding that.

The slogan, kids help kids was also born from UNICEF.

Sending your leftover candy to troops.