Trader Joe's meta-discussion

:roll_eyes:did you seriously come here just to shit on Trader Joe’s? That is kinda like yucking someone’s yum.


Shopping TJs is like being in a candy store for lots of people. There’s tons of online material about the things they offer and finding them in the store can be a challenge. Searching the aisles can be problematic sometimes. It’s definitely not easy to just run in and grab a few specific things if the store’s busy. My local store doesn’t get jammed up very often, especially if you know (and can avoid) times when it’s busiest.


Not at all. OP solicited nays. So you’re yucking on my yuck, and in a personal way.

I actually like a lot that TJ’s offers

Oh, I don’t know… Is it that hard to refrain from parking your cart and kids sideways in an aisle?


I shop at many different supermarkets professionally, and find self-absorbed, oblivious people to be present in all of them. At least in my experience, this is not specific to TJ’s :woman_shrugging:


Maybe your complaints would be better suited for this discussion?

If I’m not mistaken, this thread specifically discusses products available at TJ’s.


Yes, there are two whole discussions to vent generally on — that are not this one, which is to recommend or caution against products.


Yes, definitely. I just find more (and worse) obstructors at TJ’s than anywhere else.

No, THIS thread does not limit itself to items. The best that can be said is that it was an attempt to “reboot” a previous thread about TJ’s. Think there are any non-item posts in that prior thread?

We call these people celebrities, because they act like we’re all thrilled to have them there, taking up space.


And also here, as it turns out :rofl:


I’ve no inclination to read the prior thread. This thread is for discussing the pros and cons of TJ’s products.

@Saregama posted two threads more appropriate to air your (TJ’s-or-other-supermarket-related) grievances.


My non-food NAY at TJ’s is the exact opposite: old bats who don’t mind their own business (in the store and in the parking lot).

Have to agree with that. Dumb is dumb wherever you find it. I just think that TJ’s product mix leads to more shelf-gazing than the mix at other markets.


Maybe this is an east coast big city problem?
At our TJs, everyone seems very happy to be there.
We still feel lucky to have one.
The next ones are hundreds of miles away in
Redding and Eugene.


Then I strongly suggest you don’t frequent New England Whole Foods or Roche Bros. stores, OR the tightly packed aisles of older Market Basket stores before a perceived or real Snowmaggedon or a pre-Patriots game Sunday while store associates are also stocking the shelves at the same time.

TJs on a weekend is easy-peasy as compared to the oft-entitled shoppers at Whole Foods and Rochies.


Please forgive me for reposting this gem from 2016 (the original post was much further back, on Chowhound):

“…Next rant… Berkeley Bowl. God, do I ever love the selection and the prices are normal grocery store to better, but I can’t stand the parking and I have even less love for (dare I say it) the patrons. Please take this in the nicest, most constructive criticism way, but Berkeley bowl shoppers can be the rudest, pushiest, most arrogant, self-aggrandizing, solpisistic, ankle-bashing-with-their-carts doofi I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. It’s like bottled Berkeley PC concentrate in there. As much as I love the place, the gauntlet I have to run just to get good veggies makes it not worth the trip.”


Our Somerville, Mass., Market Basket is one of the old stores, and the parking lot is downright dangerous. However, despite the crowds, the shoppers there are very efficient and very polite and the children are very well behaved. I agree about irritating Whole Foods shoppers in the Boston area…fortunately, there are usually fewer shoppers there than at Market Basket.


I gave this a like just for he fake latin pluralization of ‘doofus’


I live in walking distance of the original Berkeley Bowl, so it’s my regular supermarket. It used to be insanely crowded, but not so since they opened BB West. I just don’t encounter any of that ‘tude there, but I know bashing it is a cherished pastime. True, the parking lot is small, but there’s lots of nearby street parking and you can take the carts off the parking lot if need be.