The NYC Bagel Thread

Also never realized it’s possible to sandwich the middle with one of the sides for each bite to have some “outside”.

Tbh, I thought it was about slicing across, like for bagel chips.

Again, 2012.

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This is news? I cut my bagel into 4 slices. If slicing in thirds is right, I’m 33% righter.

Horizontally? Do you start with a thin slice at the top/bottom, then work your way down/up, or in the middle then halve each half? Are you missing any of the fleshier bits of your palms?

Nope. There’s this thing called hand eye coordination. Works like magic.

Gotta get me two of those – now only if my hands could get my CC out of my wallet.

kinda fascinating, I’ve lived on this earth for over 65 years and I’ve never seen or heard of anyone slicing a bagel horizontally into more than two parts, yet here are two accounts.

what does slicing a bagel in four horizontal parts buy you that slicing a bagel in half doesn’t? the ability to have two sandwiches instead of two open-faced sandwiches?

Consumption of less. The giant modern bagel is around 400 calories. Equal to 4 slices of bread. I would never eat four slices of toast for breakfast. I am not carb adverse but I am a bit of a fitness/health nut and try to avoid eating too many calories from simple carbs. By slicing it into 4, I get two breakfasts. Eat two slices with a smear and some smoked salmon and wrap the other 2 for the next day. I also work out every other day for an hour. The work needed to stave off the ravages of age gets harder and harder each year.

The smaller bagels that come from places like Blackseed are small enough that I don’t cut into 4 slices. But the mutants that have become common like the humongous chicken breast are more than anyone should consume. At least I should consume.

An alternative is scooping a bagel. Cut it in half then scoop out the bready middle and fill with whatever you fancy. Another way to the same end. Much better toasted too as the craggy bits really get crispy,

but why not just cut the bagel in half, shmear and top? that’s the same amount of consumption as two horizontal slices.

eat the other half tomorrow.

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thats what we do with big bagels. They are a lot easier to slice when halved, too.

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I don’t cut my bagels.

At one time, I used to slice the bagels like for bagel chips, but thicker, to reduce consumption, but still get both outer and inner in every slice.

Then I started quartering them the “normal” way – ie slice along the equator, and then half down the center. I eat a quarter usually, or a half if I’m very hungry.

Same cuts to freeze (I travel a lot with bags full of bagels for family and friends), pull out and toast as much as one is hungry for (and here come the anti-toasters for me with their torches… gotta run…)

You are just too cool for school. Do you also eat boiled eggs whole without cutting?

The only other person I know who will gnaw on a whole bagel also sets out whole boiled eggs to be bitten into like an apple. I know it may be culturally common, but it was weird to me when I first encountered it.

That’s actually how I eat boiled eggs (the times that I do).

And as to apples. I eat the whole thing, core included. No stem, however. I get enough fiber in my diet as it is.


That’s how I eat them a lot of the time. I carry a few with me if I’m going to be out all day, peel and eat as needed.

I would do that too if I only could remember to boil them first.

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That is an obstacle. I try to remember to prep 3 or 4 every Monday. Sometimes I succeed.

Just by them pre-boiled.

Make Occam proud.

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Thats how I eat hard boiled eggs but not how I eat bagels.

This to me is a funny discussion. When I was a kid, and long before bagels metastasized, we regularly cut them into horizontal thirds. Not for any sort of carb reduction (this was the late 60s early 70s), but to create more surface area for cream cheese.
Similarly, the three-way muffin split – more surface area for butter.

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