TACO BELL was great pre-90's formerly on ChowHound

Maybe they just ordered “a plain taco?”

Looks like a Wish Taco.


bow bow bow


This guy made his own in his Van… (starts at 12:25)

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More than you need to know about Taco Bell, from the latest New Yorker. I think this is a free link.


I was just about to post the exact same article!

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LOL… this person has 2.75 million subscribers. Clearly I am in the wrong business. :face_with_head_bandage: :man_technologist:


The only way you get to that level is, shockingly, by a metric ton of relentless self-promotion and a CONSTANT stream of content. The algorithm rewards regularity and VOLUME. And to get started, to even get NOTICED, you have to either luck into goign accidentally viral for one reason or another, or, again, relentlessly self promote on ALL the social media spaces everywhere. And I note that this chap has been at it since 2011 and has over 1200 videos. That’s WORK.

I don’t care for his schtick, but that’s ok. 2.75 million other people do, and more power him. And them.

I’ve had to explain this to my partner’s niblings, that ‘youtube personality’ is a possible career, sure, but that it isn’t “sit and talk about that anime show you like once a week”. It’s a TON of work that you have to do BY YOURSELF, at least to start. How to light yourself. Sound recording, editing. Are you memorizing your lines? Ad libbing (you’re not as good as you think you are)? Do you know how to set up your laptop as a teleprompter? What do you know about ‘copyright’ and music? Better learn, FAST.

That’s when they started thinking about maybe working in an office like mommy.


:clap: :clap: :clap: lots of applause

Or you can just buy subscribers.

Is this you, Mr. 8?


I DID IT ! I just copied another signature Taco Bell item ! Now I can make my own chicken burritos without the rice filler ! I nailed their chicken chunks by accident !
It all happened today, I had these thin sliced chicken breast I fried about 6 days ago and needed to finish them up. And eating them with bbq sauce was not the greatest. SO I decided to cut them up and put them on top of broken up taco shells and add the rest of the fixins to make chicken nachos. Did not expect anything superb. Low and behold when I took my first bite it hit me. These chicken pieces are identical to Taco Bells chicken chunks in their chicken burrito ! Texture taste and all ! Holy crap and it was not my intention to do it. I stumbled upon this revelation by accident. Well scratch that one off my list LOL. Here is how to do it.
First you buy thin sliced chicken breast and then put them in a ziploc bag. Sprinkle in some Lawry’s seasoned salt, garlic powder and black pepper. Let that marinate for the day or overnight in the fridge. Then put some olive oil in a pan. Coat the cutlets with a thin coat of flour. Cook the breasts about two minutes total, so 1 minute per side on medium high.
Next when cool, cut them in 1/2 inch strips. Then cut those strips in 1 1/2 inch lengths. Now take those rectangular pieces and put them into a ziploc bag. Pour in red enchilada sauce and then taco seasoning powder. Seal bag, and then mix well. Let that sit in the fridge for the day just like before. Now keep in mind my chicken breasts before the last stage of seasoning were already 6 days old. Not sure if that had any contribution to the soft tender texture or not.
So when ready to eat, assemble your Tex Mex plate of nachos, or roll your burritos and then warm the finish product in the microwave as normal. You will be amazed at the flavor and how soft the chicken is just like Taco Bell !!! No more buying Toxic Hell’s garbage. I got their chicken chunks down to a T and I can make burritos without that flavorless filler rice they use ! LMAO !

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Crisis averted. Praise be.


Sorry I did not cure cancer. I know nothing I do matters to the world. But I like me.

All one needs to do is taste anything that has a fried chip / shell / wafer, etc. from Toxic hell. You will taste a bitterness to them. Like their nachos, mexican pizzas, taco bowls if any, hard shell tacos. That bitterness is from the rancidity of any vegetable oils. Canola probably which is among the worst. Some think a Canola plant really exists.
When they fried these items in coconut oil back in the 80’s and early 90’s they all tasted delicious without that awful bitterness.

Imagine that ! One company that gets it. Unlike YUM Brands ! More like YUCK Brands now after they killed all they bought.