Supermarket Pet Peeves

A few years ago we were at a Whataburger drive thru. Total was $6.23. I handed her a $20. Then as an afterthought said oh here’s a quarter. I wasn’t paying too much attention until I hear my husband say uh oh I think we have a problem here. Glanced over to see the girl looking between the quarter in her hand and I suppose change due on the register. This back and forth went on for a full minute. Then she finally looked at me and said “ Do I really have to do this?” I said no, that’s ok .


Just noticed this was the Super Market pet peeves thread. I confused it with the Fast Food thread which is long gone.

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It’s not this?

Nope. This locked up thread.

Ah, forgot about that one! Thanks!

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A post was split to a new topic: Supermarket NON Pet Peeves

Save $.25 for Aldi’s.

The first time I went to Aldi’s, I had my quarter at the ready. As I approached the carts, a woman said to me, here, give the your quarter and take my cart. So I didn’t have to figure out how to work the carts …


So she stands there and intercepts the returned carts and then takes the next person’s quarters?
Ingenious way to make a living!


Remember Tom Hanks’ character in The Terminal? It worked for him!


Giant had this policy in D.C. Running joke in our house is “I WANT IT FREE!” spoken as indignantly as possible. It was funny to overhear.

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I actually like that they allow the clerk to sit in Europe. Tough being in your feet all day. In the local grocery, many cashiers still try to bag for you, even if you bring your own bags, so I understand that standing is easier for that, but giving the option of a chair seems reasonable (as long as they don’t turn into a Seinfeld episode…)


The security guard episode totally popped up when you said that.

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Some version of this is probably on here already, but I just saw it while reading this Costco cart etiquette article.

The Kitchn The Problem with the Shopping Cart Theory

On the heels of the annoying restaurant feature thread, try this: What features of modern grocery stores annoy you the most? Here’re some of mine:

  1. Not grouping all dairy in one or adjacent cases.
  2. Forcing shoppers to self-scan (aka having few/no real checkers).
  3. Not enforcing the “X Item Limit” express lane rules.
  4. Locked display cases.

What’re yours?

  1. Placing staple items and produce at distant, opposite ends of the store.
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This thread, too, already exists.


• Having to hunt through the store for the non-perishable ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ food items. They’re not all in one section.
• Seeing cases upon cases of stacked perishables sitting in the aisles. Do they keep each other cool that way until somebody puts them in the correct cool case?
• Mindless displays of items stacked into perilous promotional formations.
I could go on of course, but that’ll be my contribution.


As @linguafood points out, there is already a thread devoted to this topic. So I am going to lock this one.


And I’m the reverse: I’d rather have all the cherry juice or cumin or whatever together in one spot than have to check four different aisles. (And, yes, got the cumin, it’s in four different places.)

What I came here to post was more a manufacturing peeve: canned goods that don’t stack securely. (I realize this let’s you open either end in case one is damaged, but that’s not all that common these days.)