South Station, Back Bay, and Route 128 (Amtrak) dining options — at or very nearby

What can I say? Maybe it was a bad day. But it wasn’t like our previous visitl

It looked like maybe a 10-minute drive from the Rte 128 station - so, not convenient for anyone considering South Station or Back Bay, but maybe convenient for a meeting of someone coming/going by train and their local people. :blush:

we had a bunch of clients in Boston so I was there quite a bit. with a single piece of rolling luggage and my work backpack, I always walked to Chinatown before amtrak. I’d generally choose a restaurant and then grab a bunch of bakery items for the train trip/family. Admittedly, it was an awkward walk with luggage but I was living in the suburbs so it was hard to pass up decent Chinese food.

I don’t have happy memories of our Boston clients, not sure why I found the people on wall st so much easier to deal with.

I think what we’re seeing on this discussion is that there are far more dining options near the city stations than the suburban one! And yeah, Boston has its fair share of Massholes, but most of us are not. :blush:


My apologies, I didn’t mean to reply directly to you, it was a general comment for the thread.

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Not terribly interesting, but I’ve grabbed sweetgreen, Tatte, or Clover (all of which are within a few blocks on/near Summer St) on the way to/from South Station. If you’re up for something more hearty, Figaro’s is a few blocks further into the Leather District (still closer than Chinatown) and has enormous, delicious sandwiches. They may only be open at lunch, however.

I’ve haven’t gone out of Back Bay station in a while, but I was a big fan of Jugos, the juice and fruit stand just outside the station door (on the Dartmouth St. side).

This is a bit of a stretch even with a carry-on, given they are highway turn-offs and busy streets not designed for walking :joy:

But yes to all of these, NYAJ is probably the best option of the bunch to sit at for a not exorbitant meal (vs Del Friscos).

There are takeout options in the strip mall further down, but again, these are not “walking” options, but “pick up on your way” options.

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My recent favorite to pick up before the train is one of the banh mi places in Randolph, about 8-10 mins from 128. Like N&P Saigon Subs or Chaus.

I have been known to pick up lobster rolls (from other south shore sources) sometimes.