Sodium in cold cuts

That’s one of the reasons I have stopped buying deli meat. I bought a Chef’s Choice small slicer a few years ago and consider it a good investment. A small eye of round roast made excellent sandwiches on the weekend. It’s interesting how much better tasting thinly sliced meats and cheeses are as opposed to something thicker. Our slicer is also used to cut home baked loaves evenly, something we’ve copied from Nakamura Bakery in J-Town.

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Sometimes brands release a low(er) sodium version of the product. You might inquire at the deli counter when you are in the store.

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Never really thought about this. Ham is not a surprise, given it’s cured nature. Unless you’ve brined the birds, most chicken and turkey is quite bland and requires some accoutrements for flavor, whether it is crispy skin with seasoning and herbs or a sauce. None of that translates to deli meat unfortunately. Roast beef, corned beef and pastrami on the other hand are cooked and preserved with those seasonings and herbs intact in the deli aisle, so it seems to be much more flavorful. Beef in itself does have a stronger flavor too.

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In Canada, there is one lower sodium salami I’m aware of, and there is heart healthy ham available. I don’t like ham enough to buy it.

I mostly posted because I had no idea roast turkey was that much saltier than corned beef/ pastrami.

I hadn’t looked at the numbers.


That’s neat that you bought a slicer. My relatives in Germany have one.

I unfortunately don’t have enough kitchen space to store a slicer, not enough fridge space to make roasts for luncheon meats. We switched to a counter depth fridge which I love, but management is tricky right now, with some of the special diets in our house. :smile: I do use leftover chicken in sandwiches. I don’t make turkey at home much because some of my dining companions don’t like it that much. Although,I might start roasting a breast for sandwiches and salads for myself, since I’ve been told to cut back on red meat.

The NY Times published a sodium quiz today. Gift link:

I got 9/10 right!




i got 9 of 10 as well - by deciding which “seemed” higher & then choosing the other… worked for everything but #1 (Morton vs. Kosher salt).

i did wonder a couple of things thought - 1) did AI create the product images & 2) why offer a chance to retake the quiz after telling you all of the correct answers?

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Better than me! I got the last 2 wrong. 8/10.

I have had 2 ridiculously salty Italian restaurant meals in the past year, so my bias affected my choice!

Me, too. But I’ve been at it for years, sadly.

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5 out of 10, but I knew I was being tricked on most of them and that my the excess is egregious. I love salty foods. :pensive:

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There’s nothing wrong with salt.

For most people.

I, unfortunately, have to change my diet in a big way.

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I don’t dispute that.

My point was that there is nothing inherently wrong with salt.

In fact, without it we would not be able to survive (for long).

Unlike say something like hydrogenated fats or trans fats, salt in and of itself is not a “bad” thing.

It’s just the amount of salt intake that may make it detrimental. But this is true for nearly all things, even things we consider “good” – like say vitamins or fiber.

No, of course not.

Nothing inherently wrong with the salt , sugar or fat.

I think we have had this kind of discussion somewhere before ? Rings a bell. :rofl:

I was surprised that 54 g of deli turkey is going to provide 28 percent of the Daily Sodium Value.

A lot of turkey sandwiches I liked to order in the past would probably have contained 120 g of deli turkey, plus the salt coming with the pickles, mayo, bread or whatever else.

There used to be a column in the Toronto Star that would take apart a popular fast food and talk about the calorie, fat and sodium count. That column is no longer around. Huge deli sandwiches in Toronto have become a big deal lately, and I’d think some creations at Lambo’s Deli, Good Behaviour, Grandma Loves You, etc. contain 2 times the DV of sodium.

10/10. Too easy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The sodium in deli turkey and deli chicken would probably surprise most people, I think.

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keep in mind, “recommended daily salt intake” varies by organization and country . . .
there is not a lot of “universal” agreement on how much is “required / recommended”

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Okay. I’m talking about Canadian DV. 1200 mg to 1500 mg of sodium a day depending on one’s age .

I’m Canadian, white, obese, apple-shaped, and heart issues run in my family.

Some American guidelines :


A tangent.