Score! The challenge of scheduling a grocery delivery in the greater Boston area

For what it’s worth, I’m getting occasional pleading emails from Instacart asking me to return, offering $10 off, saying they can now offer same-day delivery, etc.

After some weeks of scrambling for this, that, or the other, I have my supplies down to a reasonably reliable chain. Bread, veggies, herbs, dairy, eggs, fresh mozarella, ice cream, the occasional chocolate croissant from Forge; meat from Savenor’s – plus further veg and herbs – and this week from M.F.Dulock; fish from Cape Ann (although I might also try some of Tim Maslow’s offerings this week); the occasional specialty item – ramps, for example – from BPM, plus herbs; cheese directly from Cato Corner and Jasper Hill; wine from Ball Square; and whatever else I need from a weekly Amazon Fresh dropoff. I still have significant stocks of rice (basmati, jasmine, bomba, wild – although not a rice), lentils, beans, pasta, tunafish, canned tomatoes, etc., from March.

It feels good not to need Instacart.