[San Jose] Peking Meat Pies

Where may I find Meat Pies similar to the ones in San Gabriel Valley’s now closed Peking Pie House in the San Jose Area. Their lamb pies were tasty, juicy and delicious.

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Fuji Huoshao & Dumpling is as close as you’ll get in the San Jose area.


Some of us wrote about fuji a while back.

No lamb pies, but you may may be interested in the larger diameter pies at Jenny’s Kitchen, which has various deli style wheaten things, including some xian bing.

Again not lamb, Beijing Duck House used to have the puck-like men ding rou bing, but currently lists an item callled 北京炒饼 Beijing Style Cake w.Pork.

ASJ (I’ve not been, can anyone weigh in?) has puck-like beef and pork xian bing and a few other varieties in either mornings or weekends e.g., https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/GfuVZvOJ0HxMCUChyVaUSg?select=ergBk6g4nhbmiRP8lWDAoQ&utm_source=ishare&utm_content=photo

i dumpling in redwood city does a flat meat pie as like peking pie house, but only with beef (maybe if you ask them in advance they can make lamb, since they also make lamb dumplings?). the xian bing from ASJ is way thicker, with a proper patty, rather than a thin layer of meat.
[/biz_photos/i-dumpling-redwood-city?select=WivY1h8ejzkF1gOoSs61kQ] can’t post a direct link - you can paste that after yelp