Our beautiful gardens (a break from food farming)

I am not sure which variety works in your area, California?
I love them all.
I have the book on JM by Vertres, second edition. When I used to visit Susanna Farms, I would bring the book with me. I often pick a tree, and leave a note., sometime not knowing how much it cost ( this is often the case with him as. he is usually away and there is nobody in the farm. If the tree is small enough that I can load myself into my station wagon, he would send me a bill and I send him a check.
Also depends on the size. you like. One of my favorite is Vertres favorite tree Acer Palmatum Kamagata which is about. 10 ft tall after all these years as well as Tsuma Gabe meaning painted finger nail. I have 3 small rare ones called Mikawa yatasabusa. I saw one the is mature , 8’ tall at Susanna, fell in love with it but he wanted $8000 for that tree. He finally ordered 3 for me . They are about 15years old but the way they are planted, they are still very small, just around 2.5 foot tall. Then again, I have the large osakasuki. I believe it is one of the most photographed JM. For mid size, I love Acer palmate acotinifoliun ( dancing peacock) It has beautiful branching habit.
Get the book and then go visit the nurseries.

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Yes but an intensely hot and dry part. I will try and look at the book.

That’s a remarkable landscaping description!

The “Full Moon” maples are a favorite, but they are expensive. Here Sango Kaku (Coral Bark) is a favorite in the winter.

I do not have the full moon variety but have 2 Sango Kaku . I love the beautiful red bark but as they mature, the red bark are no longer there except for some new branches I had wandered if I can paint with red paint? Any idea if that will work?Looks great d


uring the fall color and in the winder, there are some red branches which is ver8y pretty but I like a red main trunk.
I also collect tropicals such as crinums, hymenocallis tropical giant SISTER ( THE SISTER IS THE BETTER ONE AS THE 11" SEPALS CURVE OR RECURVE AND THEY ARE FRAGRANT.


I did have one but do not know where it is

The live in gardener during my younger days and my husband knew where they are but finding a laborer is difficult in my area whereas in Northern Va, they are cheap, all over 7-11 and Home Depot. However, they have no cars and driving back and forth to pick them up is not worth it for me. At the same token, when they have a car, things disappear from my garage. At one time, I even rented a portable toilet for them. Imagine, I have 3 of most tools. I now have only one hedge trimmer, one blower, etc. Even the octopus vacuum in my pool disappeared!

Years ago, a podiatrist who worked at the Center where I practiced had the misfortune of hiring a carpenter to work. The carpenter apparently hired a Hispanic guy who murdered the Podiatrist’s 3 daughters and one son, one by one as they came home and his wife He also murdered the contractor as well. It was tragic, all over the Washington Post.

I did use vinegar to spray an area but my son finally sprayed that with round up last week as I was very8 upset with grass growing so tall between the cobblestones. He did nto want to spray8 when there was one clump and then, when the whole area was covered, I used vinegar in a small one gallon kitchen sprayer bottle ( I cannot handle the 4 gallon Shindawa back sprayer bec of shoulder and I cannot pump to get pressure up). My son not knowing I sprayed with vinegar, went to buy an outfit and sprayed that area looking like a martian from outer space. That was all he was wiling to do. He then told me I cannot take my poms to that area and I have not for over a week now.

Personally, I would to use round up unless I am desperate. My husband ( rip) used roundup extensively every weekend. He was very healthy except for gluten enteropathy which almost killed him twice while studying in Munich. He died from Myelodysplastic Syndrome in Jan 2012 after battling with MDS, chemo as well as stem cell bone marrow transplant which onl8y worked for a few months. The oncologist at Hopkins thought that it could be pesticide but we never used it. Now, th8y are discovering that roundup can be responsible for non Hodgkin’s lymphoma , one of the treatment is of course the same as MDS.
Be very careful about all these as I do not wish to have any thing happen to my two Pomeranians who are my constant companions in the garden. 7they lie down in the garden except for the 14 weeks when Luna was waiting for her patellar surgery and post op when she had to be transported and left in a baby carriage which she disliked!

In desperation, I hired someone from Va for yesterday and today to spray but they did nto show up. One claimed car trouble which is his answer when eh finds a job closer to home. I even pay him $20 or gas if he works 8 hours. he gets $25/hour plus $20for gas. &The other guy who worked for me every weekend for 17 years tells me he is getting $35/hour and $50 overtime for weekends and is very busy. I cannot affair him but did have him here for 5 hours wo months ago to clean up when we had 3 storms 9 one tornado ) in 2 weeks or so
I guess I better cut up as I found out that two of my posts were deleted. I am upset about that as well.

What is the name of the plant in your first and last photo? Because we have one. I’ve never known what it is. We brought back a bulb from Nevis, WI about 13 years ago and planted it in a pot. It took five or six years to mature, and now it flowers once or twice a year.

06-06-2011 nevis flower

That is a Hymenocallis Tropical Giant Sister,
If you go to Pacific Bulb Society, there are many kinds of hyenocallis.
They originate from Mexico.
Mine is the sister variety as hymnocallis giant ( without sister on the name) is an entirely different specie with different blooming time. The Sister has all 6 sepals recurve uniformly whereas the Tropical Giant only has 3 of the sepals recurving uniformly.
They are prolific, fragrant . Mine bloomed the first year I bought it from Plant Delight Nursery but years ago, they had a lot of bulbs including crinums. They do no seem to have that many nowadays as their website no longer has a separate bulb section. I was introduced to this company by an architect who collects crinum. he says to pay their price as they have the best largest bulb in the market and sure enough, mine bloomed first year . I bought a few bulbs but have a lot of them as they split. I overwinter them in my indoor heated pool year round .I do not know if that makes a difference.

Thank you! My partner just picked up a random bulb lying on the ground at an old plantation we were wandering through. We were surprised it sprouted at all, and even more surprised when it bloomed. And yes, it has a pretty intense smell, very tropical.

Nice! What kind of conditions do they like? My mom’s family is from Nevis! I never miss an opportunity to say that.

It seems to like our living room pretty well. That’s where it lives. What town is your mom’s family from? My friend’s place was next to the Golden Rock Plantation. And she got married at the Montpelier.

I must confess, I don’t know! When I was there, it seemed so small. I know my mom and her 11 siblings had some property that we visited there, that I think has since been lost. It wasn’t near the beaches. My sister will know.

I’d be interested to know! Even though I haven’t been there since 2008.

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Sister says Mount Lily. Some like, or maybe actually , this! Looks like it.

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Is this your childhood home? spectacular but would demand lots of work

No; I grew up in Queens, New York City.

Ah, okay. The closest place we’ve been to there is the Nisbet Beach Club. But it’s a pretty small island - nothing is that far from anything else.

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My trip to Charlottsville was a disaster, driving wise. I drove to Arlington to pick up my driver, used the GPS on my apple phone. My driver used to own a place there as she was expecting her two daughters to go to U of Va. Well, they went to Stanford instead. She had to sell the house . That was 8 years ago She told me it takes just over 2 hours to get there. We followed my Apple phone GPS but instead of RT 66, it directed us over small country road which was 45mph anid with multiple construction. Allll together, it took 6.5 hours including a brief stopover at a carry out chinese restaurant ( not sitting inside) for lunch at 11:00Am. When we got to Charlottsville, we got lost. Went around and around, it seems the GPS was taking us to same place. So, finally called Doc’s office. They gave us turn by turn direction. ( I only found out GPS was defective as I appointment at Montgomery Countythe following week , a route I am familiar with as I worked there for over 20 years. I found out GPS was giving me direction but the verbal prompt was different)
Anyway, it was a good consult. Dr. Thomas Platts Mills is very well known as he was the one who discovered alpha gal syndrome . He also was bitten by a swarm of tick and has it. My prick and intradermal tests were positive for pork, beef and lamb with placebo and turkey chicken also. The laters were negative There was no sense on my having oral challenge. However, this I found out. I probably was not bitten by a lone star tick although they think other ticks can cause it with their research. He now think that ticks comes from chiggers and I got it from being bitten by chiggers SO BEWARE AS YOU ARE ALSO A GARDENER . Because I have bilateral total knee arthroplasty, I cannot bend so I sit on ground to pull weeds and has had many many incidents of chigger bites. one of those was very bad, when I was working at WHC h ad to have cortisone shots as well as oral dose pack. He also told me that some of his patients are experiencing allergy to tuna . The research is ongoing. The premise is that Tunas and Dolphins are often together and when they harvest Tuna, dolphins are inevitably caught, Being a mammal, they have alpha gal. So, after 3.5 Hours of testing, with another fellow immunologists often at my side and of course Platts Mills who would come and see me every 15 minutes and chat with me, ( he is one year older than me, I am 79), the conclusion is that I should just omit those mammalian meat for now. If I do not get any more items from chiggers or ticks or eat any mammalian products, maybe I can get over it. That trip was very informative unlike the allergists I visited in the DC metro area. He also can give the basophil activation test that would distinguish between allergic response to eating mammalian meat or sensitivity but that test is very tedious and he felt there was no need. It was around closing time at around 5:00PM before we left. returning home, was faster thru route 66 but we stopped for dinner and was very very tiring. Would have loved to visit your garden but it was an exhausting trip. When I dropped my driver off, I did not return home till around 8:30-9:00.
Cannot check typo so excuse them. My son has guests since yesterday morning . The last day for boating. They are sleeping overland will help haul the boat out of the water as my son is having the boat repainted.

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