Michael Chiarello

We had some great dinners at Tra Vigne long ago. Don’t most people with serious allergies have an epi pen these days? Very sad.

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Epi pens are stupidly expensive these days- the last time we had to get them it was $600 per pack and we needed one for home and one for school, and they expire every year. And allergies can be fluid- what could kill you one day you might be fine a week later. ’

Big kiddo had an allergic reaction to peanuts at 14 months. Worst parenting moment of my life. The blood tests and skin tests for all the nuts came back negative, but a quarter tsp of peanut butter had her break out in hives. Fast forward a few years and she devoured some Reese’s in a controlled food challenge. No longer medically allergic, but her allergist said we should live the nut free lifestyle cause you don’t know when things will change.

not here to argue, but bodies change. Hoping Michael’s passing will be able to spread awareness on this situation.


My understanding is that his family could share the details of what happened if they wanted to. HIPAA keeps physicians and other licensed medical professionals from sharing information about a patient unless that patient has signed HIPAA releases to specific people and/or designated specific person(s) as health care proxy, or in some cases, release information to family members without a signed release. Family members can share information with physicians and anyone they want to; medical staff cannot.

The reports say he was with family members so they must know. Perhaps they don’t want to share any information and of course, that is their prerogative.

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This says family didn’t know.

Same here;


That’s scary. My husband has had weird allergic reactions to food that come and go. He couldn’t eat avocados for years without it feeling like his throat was closing up-now he has no reaction at all and eats them in salads 3 or 4 times a week. A couple years ago he was eating clam pasta (vongole) and also had a serious reaction in his throat. He’s had the same dish at a local restaurant for years!


My H had a severe allergic reaction to one of his meds a few years ago. While it wasn’t from food, it just illustrated how fast things can progress. His face and neck swelled up hugely, I drove him to the ER after talking to a consulting nurse, who called ahead to the hospital. From the moment we walked in, they were on it. Doc was already in the room, and he was hooked up to IV Benadryl, and something else immediately. Was there for a few hours until the swelling went down & Doc deemed it safe to release him. He’d been on the offending meds for years, with the allergic reaction taking place on an ordinary morning. People can also become allergic to certain foods anytime in their lives. I’m allergic to kiwi only, but feel lucky because it’s easy to avoid.


Sooooo scary. I was talking to my aunt on the phone shortly after she moved back to New York, and could tell she was having a severe episode of what was supposedly asthma. I asked my cousin to get her a to an emergency room, but she didn’t make it. :persevere:


That is sad! Asthma is so scary! Very sorry your Aunt didn’t survive, even with prompt medical attention. I’ve had a couple friends whose children had asthma, and it was quite difficult to manage, with many trips to the ER, and hospitalizations. Even with albuterol treatments, and following all recommendations.


I heard about a man who came home from the dentist, had a reaction, died


One of the day care centers we looked at with my nut allergic toddler (at the time) was very proud to have a culinary school trained chef on premises who prepared all the lunches and hot breakfasts for the kiddos. He also bragged to us about secret p.b. in his spaghetti sauce. Not only were we appalled. [DON’T EVER BE SECRETIVE ABOUT SERIOUS ALLERGENS]. But we took it upon ourselves to educate him and all the staff in the center about what they should avoid when feeding babies. Where some people get their ideas is beyond me.


9 in 10 don’t outgrow peanut allergy. The only ones that do typically have a mild case to start with. Last time we bought epipens they were over $1K for a 2pk, and then our insurance wouldn’t cover anymore. Subbed out for a generic where instead of autoinject I think you need to insert the hypodermic yourself. Really unfortunate because when you’re in that stressful situation, having less to think about and do correctly is imperative.


Tell me more.

This is very interesting. He could be onto something.

Sorry. Not following your comment. The daycare chef bragged that p.b was the secret ingredient in his spaghetti sauce. That’s it. Other than the horror of hearing that as the parent of a kid with severe nut allergies, who we were trying to place in the care of a day care facility for the first time in his life.

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When I told my new dentist a few months ago that I had a lot of food and pollen and dander allergies, she asked if my food allergies include to banana or kiwi … I think. I just looked it up and I’m not going to link since I’m not sure it’s accurate, but one source says people with allergies to bananas and kiwi can also have previously unknown latex allergies.

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New York Times article about the life of Michael Chiarello: gift link.

Back in the day I used to enjoy watching his PBS show on Saturday mornings, curled up with a cup of coffee.


Lomonaco has a brother who was a radiologist at the hospital where I worked. 9/11 was a weird, scary day

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I get so annoyed when asked to wait after some minor procedure… Next time I’ll remind myself of this story.


Especially after a routine vax!

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