Like beef? Stock up!

I would put the wrapped ground beef in cool water for a half hour or so, then scrape off and discard (or feed cooked or raw to the nearest cat/dog) the outer eighth inch or so. Sacrificing that part, the most freezer-burnt, is worth it in terms of the favor of the food.

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Vacuum sealed — by me if it isn’t already cryovacced — works wonders. I get no freezer burn.


So …how did it turn out? :grin:

So, I cooked it as a sort of picadillo and it tasted stale, so it went into the green bin. I tossed my other pack of old frozen ground beef. The rest of my frozen meat or poultry has been in the freezer for less than 3 months, but I’m going to use it up so I can be sure everything is fresher going forward.

Fried egg on a toasted English muffin to the rescue.

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Thank you! I went with Mexican spicing but the beef was still too stale.

Sloppy Joes


Dang. I can’t believe I didn’t circle back to this, or post about it in the (then-current) “For Dinner?” thread. But I’ve checked using the search feature, and it looks like I did not mention it again.

Thanks for the prompt - it was just like a normal turkey, no ill effects so far as we could tell from the long freeze. I just brined it per my usual and roasted on the grill with some apple/oak smoke.