LA Times article about what happened to CH

Your right, quite a few Hounds were members of many food related sites and talked about them from time to time on CH and there was never an issue that I know of. I think its healthy and brings more insight to the table which seems to me to be what CH was all about.

I changed my internet provider a couple years ago and tried to find the format to notify CH of the address change but couldn’t find it. My membership still worked with the new provider but I just didn’t receive any email from the CH Administrators. No big deal I thought.

After the big site change I posted several pieces critical of the change & those responsible for it. I was then suspended but didn’t know it because the CH Admin message went to my old email which no longer existed.

The sign on message I got said something like “invalid email address or improper password” .
I figured CH’s new software finally picked up on the inactive e-mail address and purged me.

I then re-sign up using my current e-mail address and proceed to very quietly notify some of our old friends about the Onion. Several hours later I receive an E-Mail from Marcela & the CH Team that I am permanently suspended for spamming the “Onion” & for creating a second account while my original account was under temporary suspension.

I responded by explaining the email address change problem & that I did not get any of their warnings & thought I was purged because of an inactive e-mail address.

I have not heard back from them & really don’t expect to. :stuck_out_tongue:



That is funny.

This sounds like the official residence of the Prime Minister of Canada…


We are threats. HO is really taking off, IMO. We just need some more regional action, so everyone should make a concerted effort at posting on regional boards as well as the topical ones. Then we’ll be kicking a** and taking names…



I know that I DO need to do that. I’m just so out of practice.

We have all lived through so many re-designs and we stuck it out. Remember when we went from black-red to white-gray? Nuclear explosions. And the font size was too small, etc. We all stuck it out and the new format is just that, a new format with a few exceptions, some major insight into the new focus. But that is not the biggest flaw with the new site.

I could live with that stupid ad between the first and second post that takes up 30% of my screen, just add an ad-blocker, but the discussions have digressed to the lowest common denominator. And the chat in my neck of the woods is beyond dead. The site has been handed off from people that cared about food, finding great off-market places and guiding to the next generation of selfie obsessed, look at me, I made a cool comment, I got 12 hearts, in your face threads. I could add a “you guys gotta go to X and try the taco” and it would go unnoticed, but post about waiting 8.56454 minutes for a drink and man that gets some traffic.

I hope this site keeps the feel of the old CH, many peeps are here from the old CH but I hope we can also jumpstart my region so I can guide some new hounds who care and they can introduce me to the places that deserve some love.


I really hope we can get our region going - I’ve seen a few peeps here.

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One bite, one meal, one review…to paraphrase Boomer.

And what is your region?

Sorry - rest of NY, CT.

Jason, when are you coming back up to Puget Sound? I owe you at least one beer. At simple 12% interest, more like a pitcher.

Also, my cookware project may be bringing me to the Bay Area soon. Would you please, please suggest a restaurant for business entertaining of someone already deeply involved with the local food scene (actually a celeb), and who is not easily impressed? I don’t especially expect to wow them, more like showing I chose wisely and imaginatively. Somewhere we can actually have a conversation along with a really good meal.


Not that I’m knowledgable about the Bay Area, but wouldn’t Kin Khao be a good choice?

Louuuu is now here. We need a couple of the Steves.

Thanks for your effort , you are really doing this job.