How old is the typical HO?

IDK how one categorizes Boomer, X, Z, etc. I’m early 60s. Have been cooking 50 years or more.
Was active on eGullet and CH, as well as a few local boards. Usually prefer to post from my MacBook Air, as I can touch type at about 80 wpm, but have a hard time seeing the letters on my iPhone 12Mini. No, I don’t want a larger phone! I need one that fits in my back pocket or my wallet.



The knowledge and expertise on CH around 2007 was amazing. I really miss those days. I was in my 20’s and it was really helpful.


I have to share something. My FIL was a manager/electrical engineer at Motorola. One day he told me that they were developing a telephone that was not only cordless, but completely portable! I thought he had to be mistaken…
Enter the cell phone


My buddy had a similar conversation with me about fiber optics when 3M took over his small company…1989.


I’m Generation Jones (Not quite Boomer, not quite GenX - Jonesers were from 1955 to 1964). I’m 63. Was on CH from 2001 to 2015 before coming here. I’m more of a home cook (just for myself) than a diner-outer. (Barring the last 2 years, of course).


Whereas I use both. PC at work, phone at home or when I’m out and about. And I agree with @ScottinPollock - give me my natural keyboard at my work computer ANY DAY and twice on Sundays over my fat fingers unable to find the damn letters on my Samsung phone and having to go back and correct my misspellings either before or after I post - because YES, I’m “one of those” who wants proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. (SEE? I even still use the Oxford Comma!) :wink:


(post deleted by author)

I’ve never heard of Generation Jones, and my name is Jones!


Lol, maybe you’re the prototype! :grinning:


And I just heard about it a couple of days ago! But it mostly fits me, with a smidge of both Boomer and GenX when it comes to music, as the list of music types for GenJones (punk, new wave, post-punk, disco, electronic music and rap) is decidedly NOT my cuppa tea.

These points really slotted me into this group:

"Generation Jones have never lived without a television, and it was most likely a colour television.

They were too young to be civil rights protestors or to take part in 1960s counterculture. They can hardly remember the Kennedy assassination and they didn’t go to Woodstock or Vietnam.

By the time Generation Jones came of age, it was no longer possible to “make love, not war”. The sexual revolution was over and the AIDS endemic was looming."


Wow, I knew I had barely snuck in to the boomer gen, but I didn’t realize I was the tail end of the Joneses. We had a B&W tv and mom didn’t return to the workforce until I (the youngest( was a freshman in high school. But I do remember long lines at the gas station across the street from my elementary school and mom fretting over the prices at the supermarket. I got my first job delivering the evening paper at age 12 and worked a series of typical teen jobs through college. And yes, I vividly recall the early days of AIDS.


I will be 63 in May… if I recall correctly. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

No mention of Motown? That’s what was up! I was in medical school at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. Still using contaminated factor VIII.


Definitely a Boomer here - turning 70 in (gulp) 5 weeks. Our t.v. blew up in a spectacularly memorable way when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade and we lived without a television from there on (I had 5 brothers younger than me). I only got glimpses of that culture when I became old enough to babysit for people. But I was an avid reader and never felt deprived.

When I was in grad school, I lived with a motley group in a townhouse off campus and one of the guys subscribed to Gourmet magazine and formed a monthly supper club. That’s how I got interested in eating and cooking food that was outside of my sandbox.


I’m a boomer- part of the last wave.
But these generation names are too often used to pigeonhole people based on their age group, which really isn’t fair. And they really tend to get pigeonholed into negative general behavior/bad personality traits, which makes me mad.


I’m 1965 and firmly GenX, but definitely on the old side. My friends who are a couple of years older than me (and Barack Obama) have identified themselves as Generation Jones (, as they are not culturally Boomers but are too old for GenX.

I hate typing on my phone so I only do this on my laptop.


Such a Jonser! (Jk…maybe?)