Fruit flies galore!

They apparently like wine, too.


Cheaper might actually be better.

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This. I’d say if you have houseplants, you do have fungus gnats. In which case mosquito bits (BTI) are your answer. Whe repotting, add some mosquito bits to the soil mix, or put down a layer of the bits before watering thoroughly. An alternative for plants that can take it is to let the soil dry out very thoroughly between waterings.
For you scientists out there, if you hatch out a big crop of predatory nematodes and water them into your plants, they’ll take care of the larvae. A friend gave me some once, and I’ve never seen fungus gnats disappear so quickly. Or completely, and I had a pretty bad infestation. You can also buy them from


I used to get them regularly when I had an Eclectus parrot and I fed her lots of fresh food including fresh fruit. Summer was awful for them.

I would use an almost empty wine bottle on top of her cage. I never had luck with vinegar. I had the best success with little fruit fly traps that I ordered from Amazon.

My beautiful girl has passed away and I haven’t had a fruit fly issue since. I kind of wish I still did.