"Foreign bodies" in American food

I can’t speak for anyone elses situation, but I wonder if some of THIS kind of mistake happens because of attempts to keep costs down.

Some doctors ( and since this is a food forum, some stores) supply refills to cover that period during which you don’t have to think too much beyond that appointment/contact, then want folks to come back in.

Lately I think the commercial tendency is to make it easy to order “refills”, but not easy to think about it. Enter crazy automated processes that seem to make sure there is never an interuption in the flow of the product, but have a tendency to benefit from thought.

I think having to think about it is why the process exists, but who wants to pay someone for thinking?

Sorry. Not sorry.

I see the same sort of thing in food. Delivery services and grocery apps that nag you to reorder things as staples. Just because I bought a head of fennel this week doesn’t mean I want to be poked to be another one next week. On the other hand, affinity programs and other frequent shopper plans have merit. We certainly do get coupon flyers for things we do buy regularly. We also got an email when a product we bought was recalled. Yes, yes, privacy and all that but we probably would not have known about the recall if not for that notice.