Food waste recycling containers for indoors

With you on HGTV… they jumped the shark a long time ago, either that or I wised up eventually. A pox on Chip and Joanne, by the way


My city picks up food waste weekly and supplies a countertop bin and the outdoor one for pickup. I don’t have much counter space so mine stays on the floor.
I like these stainless steel ones, but am just using the city one.

I mostly only use mine for animal products and grease, as I have an indoor worm compost bin for fruit and vegetable waste, coffee grinds and egg shells. No smell and great compost for my houseplants and garden.


I’m surprised at the ‘indoor composting’ theory.

we’re a dinner party of two. old geezers. I cook ‘from scratch’ for most everything.
there is no “indoor container” that will contain - much less “process” the amount of vegetable “waste” I generate.

much less when I go into ‘put up fresh corn for the winter’ - cubic feet of corn husks/cobs…

we have a yard, and a vegetable garden - agreed, that is not everyone’s situation…
this is my solution



What "indoor composting theory? " The one in The Spruce link? As I wrote above the link …

I’m not trying to compost, but…

…so I didn’t read it carefully, but on a quick perusal, with the exception of the mention of worm composting, I don’t think they are really talking about indoor composting. I included the link because they were talking about caring for the containers.

Here’s what I use outdoors,

…because my piles in pallets on the ground attracted redwood tree roots and vermin, and the vermin attracted snakes.

I prefer to keep that further away, and send what doesn’t fit to the city for them to compost.

I do tend to hoard the oak leaves for “leaf mould” , but the neighborhood cats use it as a litter box while they catch the varmints!


Hmmm…maybe that The Spruce link was supposed to be about composting! Sorry I missed that. I could have sworn I saw something about caring for the container!

The photos I showed were containers to collect food waste in, not to actually compost in. I definitely send some fruit and vegetable scraps to the municipal green bin, as my worm bin can’t keep up at certain times of year. Right now it is very wet from all the tomatoes, and it doesn’t like citrus, pineapple or onions.
My neighbourhood has too many rodents and small lots so I don’t want a compost bin as it would be too close to my leaky old house and I don’t want any more mice this winter!


aaaaahhhh, true & accurate observation . . .

the indoor collection of ‘food scraps/waste’ is a different issue than ‘indoor composting’

regardless, I need a super big sized bowl / container to ‘accumulate’ my ‘from scratch’ cooking habits/“waste”


I keep this one on my kitchen counter

and empty it into this when it gets full


LOL- we had a compost pile that looked like that at the last house. I thought i had the most fabulous compost pile that had ever been, things broke down so quickly, or so I thought. Turns out what we had was a family of big fat sleek packrats that moved into the shed outside the back yard and gorged on the stuff I threw into the compost pile.


no rats, plenty of squirrels & chipmunks tho.
helps to have a guardening dog . . .


I put out some carrot peels last night after dinner, checked this morning… all gone.
I imagine the rabbit that lives under my cactus called up a few of his buddies and they feasted last night!!


Have you seen Chunk the Groundhog on insta? I’d like to see what the guardening dog would do about him

that was Max - part Chow.
now we have a Siberian Husky.
they both have taken down ground hogs . . . those breeds still have a bunch of wild genes left - they grab the ground hog by the back of the neck, two shakes and it’s over . . .


I use a retired 1 gallon cylindrical Cambro and take it out to our 3 bin outdoor compost contraption when needed. No meat products, but egg shells go to the compost. Sometimes I save out and freeze goodies for my egg lady or the DIL who also keeps chickens. Mostly it goes into the compost for the deer friends who fertilize my lawn. What I don’t give away I save for stock, especially mushroom trimmings. We do not have the kind of multi level compost and recycling resources found in the cities.

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We had THREE dogs, one German Shepherd and two chow mixes, and still had pack rats laying waste to young plants. Lazy mutts.
I love Max, BTW, he reminds me of my Kitty, only she was black

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Better, but I still have one under the sink, and empty both “drawers” almost every day.

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@shrinkrap I’m in the market for an aesthetically-pleasing trash/recycling/compost collection bin. This looks like it might fill the bill, although the compost portion looks tiny (I’d be emptying it daily into another bin in the fridge). Happy with it?

It’s just been about 10 days and I’m still working out the best way for my family to use it, but it’s certainly easier for me than what we used to be doing.

The hardest part is getting others on the same page, and a big part of that is reducing the messiness and increasing the easiness. Not everyone in my home thinks it’s worth their time, and don’t realize that even if it’s not important to you, there is now potential "punishment " involved.

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Would you mind passing along the make/model?

We generate barely any trash per week…we could seriously fit our trash in the compost portion (or challenge ourselves to do that), use the “recycling” portion for compost, and the “trash” portion for recycling.

We’re lucky to live in a town where we have free vegan composting dumpsters.

It’s this one from my post in October

A Joseph Joseph totem.

Comes in two sizes, about 10 and 15 gallons, and this is the larger one.

There are several recycling bins on Wayfair.

Do you have to transport your waste to the vegan composting dumpsters?

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