Food Tours (NYC)

The New York Beer and Brewery Tour.

This was part of a music road trip we put together. Flew into Atlanta. Then Nashville, Memphis, Tupelo, New Orleans, Lafayette. Then back through Mississippi to Atlanta. Great 3 weeks. Good food and good music.


“Back in the long ago Chowhound days, someone regularly posted a self guided walking tour they’d devised for the Lower East Side. We did that and it was good fun.”

I was the person who put together that LES food excursion. Very popular back then. Glad you enjoyed it.


My apologies, Roz, for forgetting your name.

We spent a lovely few hours, although we’d unknowingly picked a Jewish holiday so a couple of places were closed.

Maybe you should post it again.

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Thank you for outing yourself! I, too, remember that tour but couldn’t for the life of me recall who put it together, and was just about to ask here :slight_smile:

Also, concur with @Harters.

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My only issue with a pizza tour is that its a pizza tour :slight_smile:

unsurpisingly, I see that as a feature rather than bug :slight_smile: I’ve been on several pizza crawls with fellow pizza obsessives, and even within the narrow category of ny slices, no two places have the same style.

Typically we’ll ask a pizza shop to split a slice 3-4 ways so we don’t fill up mid-tour. And since we all make pizza, we often strike up conversations with the pizza makers about process and recipe which is fun and enlightening to the extent they are sharing true information. We hit mamas too before anyone had heard of it and the owner was very generous in sharing pizza making details, not sure he’d be so open today. In new haven, some of the guys who owned shops were not above checking out dumpsters for info :rofl:


Not yet, but I’m open to it now (vs a few years ago, when I would have anticipated what smallh and mig described in the negative).

Especially for things where it’s worth a bite of a several versions, but you’d get full too soon trying to do it on your own (pizza, bagels, banh mi, and the like).

For a historical neighborhood tour (eg LES) I wouldn’t expect too much of the food, but I’d go for the history.


Well, quite a few years ago there was a soon to be Physician on some food boards named “uhockey”. He lived, at the time, in Michigan (I think) but visited NYC regularly. On 2 occasions, he wanted to do a pizza tour. One of Brooklyn & one of lower Manhattan. On the Bklyn crawl, we visited the newish Paulie Gee, Lucali, diFara & a couple of other places. When we did Manhattan, we were joined by Roz & “Mr. Roz” & tried several places that are no longer around, some that I cant remember (Roz?), Keste & John’s (Bleeker St). I learned that I really like pizza but that I shouldn’t eat that much pizza. I don’t think I’d try this again.

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I could replace “pizza” with so many other foods.

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I remember him! His posts were great.

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@Harters No need for an apology.

@linguafood Glad you also enjoyed the tour.

I didn’t keep a copy of the tour. However, someone actually posted it on line many years ago. Click this link and scroll down to number 2.

A self-guided walking tour of the old Lower East Side - New York City Forum - Tripadvisor


Steve, “uhockey” (Dr. Michael Uzmann) was from Ohio. He’s an endocrinologist, lives in Las Vegas, and posts about his prolific dining experiences on Facebook as well as on his blog ( The last time we saw him was when he came to NYC in December 2018. We had dinner at Benno (which, sadly, has closed).

Re: the Manhattan pizza crawl. I checked my blog and my Flickr. It took place in Feb. 2012 and included the following stops: Maffei, Co. , John’s of Bleecker St., Keste, Rubirosa, and Forcella. Here’s a link to my photos:

Pizza Crawl | Flickr


Thanks Roz. Great note keeping & nice memory. That long ago, huh?

You’re welcome, Steve! I wouldn’t have guessed it was that long ago. Time really does fly….


and yet I still look the same (nice photos).

Oh, I was living vicariously through others who have taken it. It’s been a while since my presence graced your faire towne, but I am hopeful to make it back this fall :slight_smile:

Uhockey posts here

He met up with me and a dozen Chowhounds for dim sum around 10 years ago. Nice guy.

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Thanks! In the photo at John’s, “uhockey” is at the extreme left. Mr. R. is at the head of the table. He still looks the same, so not surprising that you do, too. (It’s not that long ago!) Any idea who the others are?

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So: Mr R in black, me in the purple top & Stephanie L (currently a poster on the HO Bay Area board, having left NYC years ago). I don’t recognize anyone else. By the way, Stephanie used to lead food tours as well, mainly in the West Village if my memory serves (& it no longer does).

On a related note its impossible to walk by John’s these days without seeing a huge line of tourists around the block.