Fine Dining Can’t Go on Like This

Not if you enjoy playing golf.

I don’t. I enjoy our lawn, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a waste of space and water — regardless of whether I enjoy it or not.


It’s possible that golfing can’t go on like in the past, just as fine dining can’t. And growing almonds and other foods that need copious amounts of water can’t.

Nutritious food that people can prepare in their on homes … a basic need like food and safe drinking water before recreation?

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Not fine dining related, but a similar vein to the unsustainability of fine dining …Did anyone else watch the closing of the Olympics and the special hand-off and countdown to the LA Olympics in 2028? They highlighted a few of the venues for events, and they shared how they will be turning the Inglewood Stadium into a swimming venue with multiple Olympic sized pools, and into the largest swimming venue of any Olympics. They bragged about holding something like 9 million gallons of water or something. That made me cringe for a city that has been teetering on droughts for years, and only recently has been able to re-fill its reservoirs to a decent level. I suppose even if they re-used an existing swimming venue, they still have to fill it with water, but this idea sounded completely counter to conservation. What’s worse - watering acres and acres of almonds, or filling 10 pools for bragging rights for the Olympic events?


Especially since LA has a wonderful Olympic pool, built for the 1984 games at USC. I used to swim there nearly every day.

fine dining to fine swimming . . .
‘scuza - I’m outta’ here.

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Don’t forget to take the almonds along. :slight_smile: