To change the subject: the lobster roll with butter at Fresco’s in Malden is the best I ever had.b
Interesting. I know its much harder to track owners than establishments, but I’ve long wondered what happened to the owner of Fu Loon (as well as the chef from the original, Malden location). Sadly, I only knew the owner by the Americanized version of her first name. They had a few items that I would have put on this list were they still in business.
Was that Doris? In any case, that was truly extraordinary food. Thanks for triggering those good memories.
Appreciate the enthusiasm, but what exactly will you be trying?
I went out of my way for it! It was indeed harmoniously balanced. A little too spicy for me tho -
Hi GBA friends—still dealing with parental unit issues which afforded me the opportunity to take the commuter rail from Providence to Boston yesterday. At Alewife, I was pleased to see the same folks slinging the samosas. Of course I had to stop and get a bag of veggie ones (potato and peas). I didn’t eat one right away, but they are still the same as before. The crust is a bit thick but is great for out-of-hand snacking. Just a tiny hint of spice and mustard and cumin seeds throughout. My idea of an ideal train snack. Warms up nicely at home.
That looks fantastic. The combo of a veggie samosa plus the supposedly remedied slow zones may convince me to take the red line from Alewife rather than Harvard next time.
Thanks for the heads up and good luck with the family issues.
@kumquat The T has definitely improved on that stretch. My husband takes it every Wednesday and Thursday to Charles/MGH and concurs. I’m going to slip him a $10 bill every now-and-then to grab me 4 veggie samosa on his way home (they are $2.50 each). Along with an appropriate container so that the inside of his bag doesn’t get oil residue.
If you are the type of Onion who travels with a bottle of hot sauce in your bag, these samosa would definitely benefit from a drizzle.
Thanks for the irl lol
I am a purist who likes only tamarind / date chutney with my Punjabi samosas, but it’s rarely on offer
Excuse my political incorrectness to anyone else reading along…he’s a white dude. He NEVER has cash. I’m always feeding him cash - you can’t buy a $2.50 samosa on a card, man! Same goes for a slice or for…well, I dunno, anything! Koreans would be offended!
My mom always made sure we had 20 bucks emergency get-you-home money stashed in our backpacks.
Sounds like mr. digga needs $10 emergency samosa cash stashed away always.

emergency samosa cash
In addition to being a good idea, Emergency Samosa Cash should be a name for a band. I’d want to hear that music!
Allow me to clarify my comments. For Asians that I know, cash is king and I’m not sure if that’s known outside of Asian circles.

At Alewife, I was pleased to see the same folks slinging the samosas.
I had to go to Alewife station yesterday. Someone thought he had left his jacket outside the bike cage and asked (nicely) if I could go check (it was safe inside the cage). Well, I wasn’t too upset because it gave me the chance to grab more samosas. They’ve changed in a good way since the last time. They were spicier and they have more cumin seeds. I’m glad I nabbed the last 3.
More coriander seeds, too. Yum.
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I’m late to reply. The owner of Fu Loon went by Diane.