Wise Sons in SF sells bialys. So does a bakery closer to me, but they’re easily twice the size of a normal bialy.
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Near my old workplace in Berlin there used to be a bagels & bialys bakery, aptly named “Bagels & Bialys.” Unfortunately, it seems to be closed permanently. Nice stop for lunch back in the day.
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I stand corrected. I moved to Ottawa in 1988 . I had forgotten The Bagel Shop opened in 1984. I shop there sometimes when I go to Wellington West. I usually go to Kettlemans when I go to the Glebe.
I’ve tried both at ten or so years between th NY and Montreal. Honestly, I loved them both. NY is so classic and the ideal vehicle for lox and crcheese. Monties are the perfect ride for real maple cream cheese. I still ain’t over that. Great cup of coffee and that sweet ass bagel.
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