Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner , what's up?

Transylvanian biorrhytms, Im going to remember those two words forever.

My career robbed me of normal sleep patterns… now that time is my own I am trying to retrain my restful hours. Do you find your own routine comfortable?

That’s all great! Of course after I responded I started thinking about it… When I was a kid my mom did weight watchers and she would eat an open face tuna melt for breakfast, or cottage cheese on toast with cinnamon sprinkled on it, so I think I learned early on that didn’t have to be “breakfast food” for breakfast!
I’ve lost a significant amount of weight in the past year and for me, the answer wasn’t changing how I ate so much is watching my portions far more carefully. But I’m with you— cooking yourself is the way to go! Lucky you that you have the time to do more of it…

My bride still works so Im trying to be the one now to make a nice meal, do the food shopping, plan ahead. Im having fun with it. When my son is home I go out more, his treat these days (which is very cool).

Im realizing its all about moderation, pacing the week and using good ingredients so Im never bored and stay on track.

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I am resigned to it. It’s bad in winter when I get just four hours of daylight. But if I go to bed earlier, even if it’s past midnight, I wake at 4 am and don’t get back to sleep for several hours, which results in my not getting up any earlier. Or if I force myself to get up when most people do, I invariably conk out for hours in the afternoon, and am back to being wide awake till the wee-smalls. Melatonin or antihistamines only knock me out for three hours.

Advantage or dis, it means I virtually never eat out now. My friends keep standard hours, and many restaurants aren’t serving at my mealtimes.
I wasn’t even born till midafternoon. For decades an alarm woke me before dawn. I decided, once I didn’t HAVE to rise at any particular time, to let nature take its course.


My body naturally is an owl. When I’m on my own schedule I go to sleep and wake up without an alarm like clockwork. Unfortunately it’s on a clock in a timezone 6-8 hours west.

When I’m trying to exist with normal sleep times my body is constantly groggy, waking up requires several alarm clocks and I’m catching my first or second wind just when I need to go to sleep. Been like this since I was a child. I remember laying in bed and watching a spider weave a web outside my window during a full moon when I was 4.

I’m happy with it unless I need to deal with Dr. appointments or repair people or the rest of the business of life that occurs M-F 9-5. Foodwise the downside is most Farmer’s markets have morning hours in my area.

Like Greygarious mentioned, it does cut down on restaurant opportunities.

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Isnt it amazing what we adapt into. Going with it is solid advice. Thanks greyg and meatn3.