Blockley ( nr Chipping Camden )

Off to the heart of the Cotswolds (dahling !) for a week.
Anywhere worth a visit ?
Not eaten out since November, so open to all ideas :slight_smile:

It’s many years since I’ve been in that area but the Lygon Arms at Broadway used to be a decent call.

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Cheers John
Hardens and GFG give me…

Anyone heard any reports or been to any of these ?

Had a very decent lunch at Purslane in 2016. I also offer you the Champignon Sauvage in Cheltenham - now Michelin 1* (it dropped a star a couple of years back. I remember it had a very good fixed price menu as well as the carte.

The Royal Oak is on my list of Michelin places we might try as & when we fancy an overnighter somewhere

Cheers John
The Royal Oak is the one that calls to me most, but going with a couple of friends, so not my final decision…

(post deleted by author)

The Sauvage also looks good, thanks as ever for the tip

Super quick report.
We didn’t go out for dinner due to covid - I’d just had it ( in fact missed first three nights of our trip as was still testing positive ) one friend has long covid and the other hasn’t had it (yet) but with numbers surging didn’t fancy going out in the evening. But I can report that I had the best custard cream ever from Knead bakery in Cirencester.

Add images here

Hopefully the image came out above, and sorry the biscuit is less in focus than the logo ( camera phone ).
Anyway, as you can hopefully make out the biscuit was crumbly, almost shortbread-y and the custard was just lovely. Maddeningly we only ate this having already left Cirencester and myself and my friend shared half each with a ginger custard biscuit she had chosen. What a fool I am to have considered sharing !
Put it this was, that biscuit was so good we looked to see if they delver them. Sadly, they do not.

Also to report the Blockley cafe. Lovely cafe, great food, and quiet enough to calm our covid fears.
Well worth a visit if you are over that way. Link to their Twitter page as I’m not posting a FB link here