Are you going to stock up food for Brexit?

I thought it was the best drama so far this year. It has a particular resonance as almost all of the filming was done in Manchester, which is my regional centre. So, whilst I may not have recognised actual locations, it all felt very local. Characters accents are my accent.

The plot was good. You just knew the new populist prime minister was going to turn out to be a very wrong 'un. And your mention of flu is particularly appropriate today. Only last night, the Royal College of Physicians warned that Brexit is very likely to cause a shortage of flu vaccine this year and that this year’s flu appears to be a virulent form. The National Health Service gives free vaccinations to vulnerable groups - seniors (like me) and others with particular chronic illnesses (like COPD, asthma - also me).

I’ll be happy to make a small wager that, if there are shortages, the populist right wing will be suggesting that “others” be denied drugs to ensure “British” people get them. It is a small step to that from their current push that immigrants take jobs, depress wages, have caused the housing crisis, etc. And then it’s only a small step into the future until you’re in “Years & Years” territory.