Andalucia , anyone?

I will only be in Madrid for one lunch and one dinner before flying home. We are staying near the train station for convenience, but expect to venture out of that area. If you only had one meal, where would you eat?


Venturing out of that area and only 1 meal
Tasting menu or a la carte?

I am open to either.

Sasha for a la carte. Desde 1911 by Pescaderías Coruñesas for tasting menu,

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Sadly Sacha isn’t open on Saturday. Also, unfortunately we will be there on Oct 12, a major holiday :frowning: I have one lunch and one dinner.

Looking at Sala de Despiece, Tripia, Estimar, Casa Orellana, El Senor Martin, Laredo.

Or none of these and somewhere you think is not to be missed!

What you think?

Oct 12, not an optimum time for Madrid fine dining :slightly_frowning_face: but

Tripea opens its reservation calendar on Oct 1 so the reservations for the month will probably already be snapped up.

Estimar, if open, should be your fines.t as in “haute”, high end dining experience, then El Sr Martín for some of the city’s best seafood, then Laredo.
But I haven’t checked the Oct 12 availability for any of these.
I would go to Laredo for dinner.