Al Fresco and Flying Pests

After losing trees to the storm, this concentrate worked like a charm on every critter.

@Rooster, please remind me where you live; I’d thought it was Chicago area; if so, I didn’t realize they had storm impacts there.

Thanks! We have those 2 herbs growing right around from the deck in the yard. It doesn’t appear to keep any yellow jackets away. They still buzz around those areas. We’ve noticed that insects (and animals) seem to defy most things written about their likes and dislikes in articles, particularly when someone brings dinner outside.

I’m in NJ.

Well that makes sense then! Thanks. Sorry for the loss of your trees, but I hope your house didn’t sustain any damage @Rooster.

Just trees. The homes on the hill are set far back, on a hill with dozens of older beautiful trees. Storms like these create a cascade of branches falling. Very typical. But, this time my block lost trees too. Machinery has been here several days already. No house damage tg. Just a big mess. Neighbors are all helping one another.

That’s good to see people pull together for something like this. Glad you’re safe. Scary and deadly when trees get blown over.

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