A Legend Survives - The Return of the Master Class in Wonderful Sushi - Mori Sushi [Thoughts + Pics]

Yakiniku is basically a Japanese version of Korean barbecue, and Manpuku is a decent spot. I went to the West LA (Sawtelle) branch with friends during college. I also like Tokyo Kalbi in the Westside - they have the “reba sashi” (beef liver sashimi) if you dare (it’s been banned in Japan). Slippery with a heavy mineral taste and a strong dose of sesame oil to offset it. At yakiniku, I always start with yukkhe (Korean beef tartare), make sure to get beef tongue (cook it very quickly and squeeze lemon on it) and end with an oxtail kuppa (like an oxtail stew with rice). In the South Bay, I like Tamaen in Lomita. Their cube tongue is a lot of fun and they have an Iberico pork secreto cut that’s delicious with wasabi. They also have the reba-sashi (make sure you have a very cold beer handy, because that iron + sesame oil taste is strong). Like you said, yakiniku is not sushi at all, but a fun and delicious cuisine in its own right.

So, there’s decent and reasonably priced yakiniku in the area; still on the search for high quality okonomi nearby…I always forget about Tsujita Sushi, I wonder if they’ll have a decent lunch special.

Anyway, since this is a thread about Mori Sushi, I am definitely fiending for some Hagashi Toro Temaki after rereading @Chowseeker1999 's post. Texturally, and with the use of shiso and takuan, it sounds refreshing and a perfect closer to the normal course.

I’m interested to hear what other temaki at Mori Sushi come to mind?


Thanks for that

a few decades ago I had the raw liver at a yakiniku place in shinjuku and let’s just say it didn’t stay down lol. Of course i rallied. I’m not rushing back to get that. I don’t think manpuko serves that and given its name good thing…

Nice tips for other spots – I’ll update on the Matsumoto

they used to have this great “platinum” chirashi plate, that was a hell of deal…been forever since ive been there…my recollection is that the nigiri etc is both pricy and also not as good as the competition, but i’m staying out of those echelons in this context with my buddies too…

Mori sushi…someday you will be mine lol

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Hi @BradFord ,

Ah, good question! :slight_smile: I don’t think I remember all the different types of Temaki (Hand Rolls) that Chef Maru has created for us over the years. Every single one was fantastic, in no small part due to that super crispy, crunchy Nori (Seaweed) wrapper from Saga, Japan. So good! :slight_smile: Some Temaki at Mori Sushi include:

  • Hagashi Toro Temaki - Special Fatty Tuna Belly Handroll
  • Bafun Uni + Tsukune Imo + Shiso Temaki - Bafun Uni (Hokkaido, Japan), Mountain Yam, Shiso Leaf Handroll
  • Ume Shiso Temaki - Japanese Plum (Wakayama, Japan) + Shiso Leaf Handroll - This might sound basic, but it was amazing! My tasting notes:

We asked Maru-san to make us his current favorite Temaki, and he smiled before disappearing. He reappeared with a container he was holding delicately: In it he had special Ume (Japanese Plum) that he hand-carried from Wakayama, Japan(!). He said he fell in love with this local Wakayama Ume, and usually eats it for himself. :slight_smile:

Taking a bite:

Wow. This Wakayama Ume is nothing like the usual Ume flavor we get at various local shops around here. It’s far more aromatic, fragrant, as if they had incorporated the Plum Blossom Flowers into the mixture. It’s inherently sweet, barely tart, luscious and amazing! :heart:

When eaten with the Shiso Leaf, Maru-san’s new Rice and that special Nori (Seaweed) wrapper from Saga, Japan that would make all Onigiri lovers weep with joy, you have one of the best bites of the year (again)! :heart:

And I know he’s made at least another 2 - 3 different types as well over the years. :wink: Enjoy!

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Hi @chienrouge , @BradFord ,

Ah yes, Tsujita Sushi - We last went there during 2021, for Lunch outdoor dining to support local restaurants during the pandemic. The Chirashi is not as memorable as it used to be, but also, the competition to make Takeout Chirashi during 2020 - 2021 from so many top Sushi bars (because of shutting down multiple times) was fierce, so Tsujita felt more “left behind” in some ways.

It was still good, but nowhere near the amazing Chirashi To-Go offerings we had during this time (e.g., Sugishita, Shin Sushi, Sushi Ginza Onodera and a few other places).

For Omakase Sushi at Tsujita, the last time we tried it was before COVID. At that time, it was as @chienrouge mentioned: Solid, but there were better offerings around LA (Mori Sushi, Shunji, Shin, Kiriko even).

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That was my experience there, too, a while back, but thought they had some lunch values (turns out it was the chirashi). I was thinking even Sushi Masakazu in Westwood, but that seems now omakase-only.

They all sound delicious - balanced, refreshing even, and great texturally. Perfect to close the meal’s savory part.

I love ume-shiso! That filling is one of my favorites for maki, especially in spring or summer. Wakayama ume sounds great.

When you go to Mori Sushi now, do you order the “Premium Omakase M.P.” or specify something even more? I’m traveling most of September, but I plan to return to Mori finally sometime in October. Thanks.

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Hi @BradFord ,

Even Masakazu is Omakase only now? Darn.

Yah Maru-san’s Temaki are all great. :slight_smile:

I think these days Maru-san might have only 1 Omakase option, but I might have to check on that. He basically remembers that we enjoy his full Omakase (he remembers our friends’ preferences as well, as any good itamae should) :wink: and so when we make a reservation we just tell him date / time and “Omakase” and he knows he’s making whatever’s fresh and interesting that day. :wink:

But definitely confirm and ask if he has different ones these days, if he does, the one we get would probably be the “Premium” as before COVID, I think his other option was a Nigiri-Only Omakase. Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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