What's for Dinner #37 - the School's Back! Sept '18 Edition


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Forgot to take a photo, I was sidetracked by the news that our son is coming home to celebrate this wknd.

I smeared a bit of Japanese mayo and grain mustard combo on each breaded cutlet then topped with ham and cheese baked until melty. I went with saute spinach side. Peach ice cream for dessert. I like the open faced version vs. a pocket stuffing because preparing the cutlet ahead or even doing a large batch of cutlets and freezing for later makes dinner prep fly.


Crab cake and oven roasted fennel


Tonight - “pizza” chicken tenders, spinach gnocchi in ricotta-parm sauce, green salad with lightened-up Good Seasons dressing, and lemon-pepper green beans with olive oil.

I put back half this gnocchi - hubby’s plating.

Trying to keep these portion guidelines in mind:


Visual cues work really well for me. Its so automatic now. Continued success. Another great looking meal.


When you said quince shrub, for a minute I was thinking you meant a quince plant, then I remembered. FWIW, it is 3AM in Italy, and I am wide awake.

Portion guidelines indeed! And Italy on low carb! When you don’t want to eat risotto and pasta, eat pork belly!
What was for dinner;

Walking around Bellagio gets lots of Fitbit points.


Everyone has that friend who grows zucchini & lets them get away from them. So then they guilt you into taking canoe-sized ones off their hands, right? What do you do with said monster? Stuff it of course! Ground turkey, the chopped zuke innards, green onion, garlic, cumin, jalapeno, smoked paprika, S & P, salsa & cheese. Baked & ate, 3 meals worth for the 2 of us…


It seems fall fell with a big fat thud! I was chilly all day and finally caved in and made some Random Cabinet Soup. Tomato paste, garlic, onion, can of chopped tomatoes, can of water, thyme, salt and pepper, the sad little zucchini, a handful of orzo, and whisked in a gob of creamy peanut butter- love the tomato and peanut butter flavor combo.
Munched some sugar snap peas while it was simmering away.
Very filling combo, wished i had some crackers or the right crunchy thing to go ontop.


Whoahza!! That must have been some crazy big zucchini!


If you’re talking about my stuffed zuke: it was about 20" long & about 5" across… Totally a monster!



I made a big bottle of ginger shrub over the summer - amazing for how easy it was!

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Great combination - two of my favorite things together!

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A typical vegetarian Indian meal in a thali - clockwise from the top: chapatis, rat-tail radish (looks like green beans), okra stuffed with spices, thin buttermilk, dumplings in chickpea sauce (instead of dal), and jaggery in the center. Not pictured: salad, rice.


That’s yummy! Never thought of doing that.

Is Spanish gnocchi similar to Italian ones?

Thanks, went very well together. I love fennel

The meal was a product of attempting both lower carb and low calorie at some point :rofl: Not gourmet, but tasty and filling.

That was “spinach” not Spanish gnocchi. :grinning:

Great chart!

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Haha, what’s up with my reading?! Thx.

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Homophones (ish)

Did you make the “Spanish” Style Spinach gnocchi?

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