What's for Dinner #32 - the Spring Has Finally Sprung! Edition - April '18

First time eating outside yesterday, which was also summer-like like today but a few degrees less hot. SV lamb shank, brushed with mixture of OO, chilli paste, and “kebab spice mix” then browned under the grill briefly. Looks like there’s a lot of meat on the shank but it’s mostly the big bone. Enough meat for us and we are not such huge meat eaters. Underneath the shank is spelt and stir-fried red cabbage, flavoured with the same packaged kebab spice mix. Next time I get the butcher to saw the whole thing into thick discs, easier to SV.


Fish tacos

Green salsa added before digging in



That looks incredible

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Roast pork kimchi avocado queso fresco (con)fusion hoagie tonight. Not bad not photogenic :grinning:


SV French quails. I made a few different spice mixes and brushed them on the birds then grilled. Not shown are garlicky pita and Riesling because the sun was setting, I had to be quick and I wanted to eat in the garden.



What were the spice mixes, and was there a favorite? Looks gorgeous!

Apparently there is a national recall on romaine lettuce so the salad that was going to health up tonights loaded bake potato is out. I already put some on my lunch sandwich and still alive but no joking around PANJ has many cases. So loaded bake potato sans salad :frowning:


I drove to the next town north of me for their herb festival. Noticed the fire department was having a fish fry! I was in line around 4:30 and by the time I was served the line was out the door and down the road.
So early dinner of nicely fried flounder, hush puppies, slaw and boiled potatoes which were unusually flavorful.

I love community dinners. The food is usually good, people are friendly and the money goes to a good cause.


Yikes! Hope you live to see tomorrow…!
And if school cafeterias can call pizza a vegetable then i think you can call your potato a vegetable tonight :wink:


Excellent decision!
There’s a church in my neighborhood that does a fish fry every friday night with collards, mac n cheese, and cornbread that always has a line. (The no dairy vegetarian thing makes me walk past)

Last night was cold rainy ick, i added the leftover black rice I didn’t finish from lunch to a freezer find tomatoey braised cabbage and white beans thing. Some kimchi as appetizer, gingery kombucha a la carte.

Snacky plate meal tonight on Ripe Avocado Day. New to me prep of “sashimi style” avocado, cut into cubes and dribbled with soy sauce and a little sesame oil. Highly recommended. White kimchi, sugar snap peas and cucumber dipped in furikake, slices of smoked tofu, and a little pile of shredded daikon with some pickled ginger. I know, really random. Whatever, it was certainly tasty! Kombucha a la carte, the clunker bottle of the batch that didn’t get carbonated because the cap didn’t seal right.


OO + kebab spice mix
OO + chilli paste + chicken powder
Concentrated Sichuan peppercorn oil + Sichuan peppercorns
OO + Vietnamese fish sauce + pinch of sugar + garlic

Hard to choose a favourite! Maybe Sichuan peppercorn flavoured and Vietnamese…

Also, when I say “chilli paste” it’s just my own paste made from pulsed scotch bonnet chillies and OO.

Thank you.

I can see how it would be hard to choose a favorite. They all sound good - thanks!

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T’was a good day.
A good start to a 4 day weekend.
Gilda the Gray Lady (my car) - Purchased gently used on 11/22/14. Paid off on 04/21/18 in just under 3-1/2 years. Not too shabby. :slight_smile:

Items Mom asked for - found.
Antiquing for me - enjoyed walking around but didn’t find anything I didn’t know I needed. But that’s OK.

Dinner - pork chops with apple cider sauce, roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli. There was definitely wine. And there will be Gifford’s Caramel Cookie Crunch ice cream as I figure out what movie I want to watch.


What a beautiful day up here at Mount Shasta. Cleaned out the koi pond today. Little tiny ribeye for dinner pan-seared. Asparagus, with mashed potatoes. Wine to drink. Cheers🍷


Congratulations on Gilda!:fireworks::tada::fireworks:


Had continuing ed classes today. Got home late and pulled this together with the last of the steelhead that didn’t make it into the freezer. Pea purée base and potato and brussel sprout sauté


Warm enough for a bike ride! My destination was sweets by chloe which is so rediculous and wonderful and thank goodness nowhere near me… a scoop of salted peanut butter ice cream and half the old fashioned chocolate chunk cookie happened late afternoon. Largest selection of vegan ice cream by the scoop in the city

Sooo, wasn’t that hungry for dinner but i did need veggies in me before i polished off the rest of that cookie :slight_smile:
Used the mandolin on a bunch of celery, tossed eith some rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds, the celery leaves and some cilantro. A pile of edamame with some smoked salt, sliced cucumbers and some cherry tomatoes chopped together and tossed with more cilantro, rice wine vinegar and a little salt. Ran out of my own kombucha!! Next batch needs another day or two to ferment. Bought a mango one and it’s waaay too sweet- added a squeeze of lemon and that helped.
Dessert will be the rest of that fabulous cookie and some tea


Got 2 goat’s legs and a piece of lamb (leg meat, boneless) to SV.

Done SV, seasoned and ready to go. However, it’s cloudy now and very windy. Threatened to rain not long ago but maybe it’ll remain dry after all. Things are flying around the garden and the partner is not keen on eating in the wind. Getting the Weber ready regardless.

Left: Montreal steak seasoning + pink “peppercorns” + fennel seeds. Right: Korean peppery flakes + my scotch bonnet pepper paste. Korean pepper flakes are nice but not hot enough for this.


Grilled the meat outside, ate inside. It was too windy.

Male goats are worthless and destined for the butcher’s shops. The females are good for milk and cheese (and producing more goats).