What’s For Dinner #42 - 2/2019 - the Hearts & Flowers & Brrrr-Chilly Winter Edition

Hi all! Home for todays game :football: !
Catching up on HO WFD thread, wow!
I’ve missed the lessons😉



Hey hi Rooster, long time! (Moved you from the January discussion)

Thanks, naf! You are always on top of forum housekeeping!

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Naaa! :blush:

Better, you’ve missed some gossips and household drama! :roll_eyes:
Do you miss cooking?

Very much. I think I was in the house a few seconds before turning on the oven and checking the pantry. Headed to the market straight from the airport after checking in with my gal.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: Believe me - everyone I know who is a Patriots fan is going out of our minds, @bmorecupcake!


I don’t, and that could be the problem I had with the jasmine rice. Will try rinsing it well the next time I cook it.

Not most, just in this recipe it helps to tenderize and cook evenly I think. I used a rolling pin.


My nephew, who is unusual for a Briton in that he claims to understand the game, is a Patriots fan.

On the other hand, as I write, It’s 1 - 1 in the Manchester City v Arsenal game. City desperately needs to win to stay in touch with Liverpool.

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Oh wow I would never have guessed that!

I cook basmati usually, and also had trouble with jasmine. I think it needs less water - I use 1:2 for basmati, more like 1:1.5 now for jasmine. Always washed well till water runs clear.

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Sports enthusiast child in my life is over the moon that that game is today in addition to the Super Bowl :joy:

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I must’ve missed this while I was away - are you on location working somewhere for a while?

@ChristinaM is there a recipe you follow for this? It looks so inviting.

This was pure lazy food - jumbo shrimp dusted with smoked chili salt blend from Aldi (includes cumin and coriander), just seared in a large non-stick pan with whole garlic cloves and set aside. Then a box of yellow rice toasted in the same pan with a few Tbsp. Goya sofrito and several bay leaves. Then added the rice seasoning packet, 1 3/4 c. water, and 1 c. peas. Simmer til almost done and add the shrimp back just to cook through in the last minute.


Yes. Bicoastal the next six months. I’m not cooking during work week at all. Back to prepared meals and local joints.

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I usually use 1:1.75 for basmati, and the back of the bag of Lundberg jasmine rice said 1:1.5 for that rice. BUT I didn’t wash it. So next time, I will. Perhaps that will help with the glueyness.

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I hope by now that ManCity came through for you, Harters!

They did. I don’t have the live football channel on my cable package so I usually wait until the evening highlights show on a different channel - which means I usually try to avoid seeing the result - but not accidentally clicked on to a local news website and saw the score.

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It was OK - but not a keeper.


this is savory so we eat it with ketchup and tabasco
for the plain ones without meat, we add sugar to it.

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