Yes, Yes and a

It does my heart good that just this afternoon, 4 CH friends contacted me to find out where everyone had gone. They were all people who read the UK/Ireland board. I think we’re making progress here.


Yes, I have been a CH freak since Jim Leff’s frankly ugly but usable text-only version, and then okay with what its new owners did with it. Over the years as it started packing in more and more ads, and I stuck with my elderly G4, the wait between screen refreshes started getting in the way of my enjoyment of our conversations … and now that it’s apparently become all about selling space and to hell with the slobs actually trying to use it to communicate, I’m gone. To the best of my knowledge they haven’t banished me, but I sure as hell have banished them.

I’ve loved the Home Cooking and General Topics boards – I’m new here, but I see no reason to doubt I’ll love’em here too – and used the Los Angeles and California regionals extensively to look for new places or post reviews of our own discoveries, not to mention getting to know the Usual Suspects worth getting to know for meetups.

My personal favorite interests are cooking and eating, of course, plus the cultural and functional history of food, foodways, how foods migrate and tracking the name and recipe changes. Just the huge family of meat-in-dough items can use up hours of tracking and investigating, and I’ve logged (some might say Wasted) a lot of hours on General Topics pursuing things like this. Probably still will.

Nice to be here!


Thanks all. This is probably the last update. Overall, the trend has stabilized. The take home messages are:

1) Everyone is from Chowhound (100% - I am surprise)
2) A majority of people spend more time here than on Chowhound  (57%).  
3) Regional (41%) and Home Cooking (28%) are most interesting topics to you

Please let me know if I have assigned you into the wrong categories.


Yes, used to be on CH for around 15+ years. I wasn’t active the first year or two back in the early days, and then became very active from around 2002-2011 on home cooking, NYC boards and and NY state, not about food, and spirits/cocktails, then mostly on the spirits/cocktail board the last few years. I became active on eGullet for awhile when there was the CH split that led to eGullet being formed. I mostly just checked in on eGullet for hard science, bitters, cocktail stuff. I left CH over a year ago, July/August 2014, when it started to go downhill and allowed advertisers to post. I checked in every now and then and was really dismayed to see how bad it became with the latest terrorist attack, uh, I mean site changes.

I don’t spend much time here and not at all on CH. I hope that Hungry Onion grows and becomes the resource that CH was from 2000-2014.

  1. What is the single most interesting board/topic to you? Beverages, NY and NYC, General, Home Cooking…
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1.) I prefer not to tell where, if anywhere, I am from. I’m trying a clean slate or plate approach to this site.

2.) I can neither confirm nor deny my knowledge of Chowhound or of this site for that matter.

3.) This is the only board I have seen, although I think it would be fun to have my own board. (wink wink)


Good to see ya here, Jr. I mean NotJr.

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Lingua!!! How the fuck are you!?!?!

Ummmm…I mean, Hello Lingua it’s very nice to meet you. Thank you for your warm welcome to this site. Obviously being new I appreciate the “Welcome” and whatever future guidance you could provide a newbie such as myself.

Jr…errrr NJ


No abuse meant, but I had a good laugh today when I looked in at the CH site (UK). One poster was wondering why he got no replies to his question.


Took ya long enough to get here!

I was wondering when you’d show.

  1. Are/were you from CHOWHOUND?
    Yes. I’ve never been super active on CH, and I’ve gone through periods were I wasn’t visiting regularly, but always ended up coming back.

  2. I am spending more time here and I’m happy to see so many recognizable names! I had gone along with most of the changes in the past few years, but when I logged in a few weeks ago to the new site design, I was done. I’m a tech savvy person, but for the kinds of discussion I like to have about food, a simple message board is really all I need.

  3. I tend to hang out in the home cooking and regional boards. Y’all have been the single best resource for finding great places when I travel. My friends ask me how I always know the best places and I just give them a mysterious smile.

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Yeah my GPS was on the brink and I can’t read maps so it took me a little while. Now that I’m here let me kick my shoes off, make myself comfortable and check this place out.

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I had some “tech” issues which kept me out of the loop for awhile. I honestly just gave up on our old venue, I could it far too cumbersome to mess with anymore. Glad to see so many familiar faces…we just need a NJ board. Hope you are doing well.

Some game of hard to get, you folded like a cheap pair of pants.

NOW it’s a party!

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He played hard to get, then left clouds of dust behind him when he rushed right over.

  1. yes
  2. just joined, so no, not yet
  3. on CH it was the kosher board; nothing going on here yet on the Kosher board

Start a thread and invite anyone you know who you think might be interested, and welcome!

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. a. Regional (New York, Hong Kong)

I was also an original Chowhounder.

This is my first day here but I’ll likely spend a lot more time here. I HATE the new format there and am very sad to see it go to shit like that.

Boston, Home Cooking, Food and Media.

It’s sort of annoying to have al of New England on one board but c’est la vie


La vie!

(sorry, reflex. Old family joke.