Speakeatery, Asbury Park, NJ

Speakeatery is on Man v Food at 9 tonight on the Travel Channel!

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DVR is set to record as 9 is past my bedtime.

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Bahr’s Landing is his next stop…the whole episode was filmed down the shore.

If our last visit is any indication, it may also be his final stop.

Bahrs is now outside the circle of trust.

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I’m always in NNJ when they post these… torture!


Nothing against the Speakeatery, but I’ve never been a fan of the Thanksgiving Sandwich. I don’t know…I love turkey, I love, love, love stuffing (and I’ll put mine up against the best of them, hell I’ve eaten it off the floor, ok I think I’ve said enough) but combining them all together, just doesn’t work for me.

(ok, just to clarify I was in the middle of one of my no carb diets and I was making Thanksgiving Dinner and there was no way in HELL I wasn’t going to have my stuffing. I made a tray of stuffing baked with equal parts love and desire, yes this tray of stuffing was as good as any soft cover novel with Fabio on the cover. As it neared completion and I was removing it from the oven, the tin it was in buckled and my entire Fabio tray of stuffing landed on the floor. As I stood there screaming with tears rolling down my cheeks, I couldn’t just throw it out without having a few spoon fulls first. Off the floor…:slightly_frowning_face: #foodieconfessions )


@NotJrvedivici Perhaps you prefer this? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Italian Tofurky Focaccia Sandwich with sun-dried

Italian Tofurky??? ((in my best Joe Pecsi)) Whoa!!! You can “tofurky” yourself!! Get your shine box and your tofurkey and get the hell out of here !!! (not directed at you personally @CurlzNJ more to the creator of that sandwich)


But have you ever combined them all together with the Moistmaker™?


You know, Ross might be on to something there. The Moistmaker…I might have to try that.

I love the thanksgiving sandwich for just that reason. Turkey is moist with stuffing, gravy, and cranberry on a good hard roll with mayo. prob 5 days worth of calories when paired with some pumpkin pie, but oh well…

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I had that once. It was good but it was like 15 bucks and I said to myself “I can make a way better version of this”…especially with better stuffing that has sweet Italian sausage in it :slight_smile:

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Tile fish is great!

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HAD to share this one…


And since the text got cut off, here 'ya go:


What we have here is rosemary and garlic roasted leg of lamb with half sour pickles, mixed greens, tomato, Tzatziki, and Sriracha between a Falafel bun and pita! This joint is packed with flavor and going on special tomorrow (Friday)! Don’t miss out!


This sounds tasty! Those pickles are speaking my language! I might have to see if I can get some coworkers to get in on this :wink:



@seal I feel like this one’s for you…


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