New Jersey Restaurant Pet Peeves, Idiosyncrasies, Humorous Musings, etc

posting here because this thread is active at the moment … is anyone else seeing what looks like a Christmas tree stand?

I’m seeing it. I didn’t know what it was.

That’s funny! Seems like the main HOs might have come up with some decorations to jazz up the site in December… maybe @NotJrvedivici can get some intel?

What BN said.

I don’t see this on my phone but that looks nothing like a Christmas tree stand to me. It looks like a tee ball stand you hit of off when you were a kid…or an ear ring post.

I’ve never had a tree stand with a column. How do you screw the stump into the base with a column involved? Lol :slight_smile:

I’m thinking if they wanted to go with the holiday spirit they would have picked out an actual tree, wreath, santa, sleigh, etc. Definitely a weird one

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lol, I was thinking Christmas tree gone wrong

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Second day in a row you people are complaining about something I don’t see…

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I forgot to mention the absoulute worst … for me it is a server and or other diners who douse themselves in scent of any kind … it’s the primary reason I don’t go out more often … due to allergies everything closes up … I can not smell or taste anything nor do I want to with an instant migraine that includes nausea. Some casual restaurants spray their tables down and or mop floors during business hours … lastly bus bins in the dining room … bang crash bye

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I’d be inclined to agree. I want to know how much I am paying. I don’t think I’ve ever ordered a recited special because I feel funny asking. It is a little deceptive on the restaurant’s part. Why hide the price? Now I am sure they would respond by saying all I have to do is ask, but most people do/will not.

This leads to my other pet peeve: no prices on a drink menu. How much is that martini going to run me.


I think we should take a poll.

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Where do you all stand on plate removal for entrees? Is it ok to remove plates as people finish or should the server wait until everyone is done? I find my own opinion varies. By waiting, the meal seems less rushed yet some people hate having dirty/empty plates in front of them. However, if someone is a slow eater and everyone else’s plates are gone while they are still munching, I imagine that would be rather uncomfortable. It also depends on the setting. It is more acceptable in a diner than a fine dining establishment.

Removing plates before everyone is finished is my wife’s biggest pet peeve.


I truly don’t object to having a dirty plate in front of me; I think it’s much worse to have everything cleared while one/some people are still eating.

And I can’t believe I forgot AUCTIONING, as my dad (who spent his career in F&B) calls it… this happens 90% of the time; the runner (or waitperson) stands at the table asking “Who has the…?” over and over again.


yes to the no drink prices listed crap- my one and only McCloones experience- CJ MC-Crap- wife ordered a decent tasting margarita- 17 bucks later I could have been in midtown getting a proper drink with fresh squeezed lime juice and some “craft” tequila not a crummy joint on Shrewsbury ave with a mix and some bottom well brand booze to mach my lukewarm chicken dish and pecan-less pecan encrusted dish.


yes- auctioning is one thing at a low end spot/diner-but at any “upscale” spot it’s a joke esp when nobody is writing anything down…it’s just a sign they don’t take service seriously…

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My policy has always been to only remove plates when everyone at the table is finished. However most people who are irritated by dirty dishes will generally ask to have them removed or will begin to pile plates or place their napkin on their plates then you remove it.

So plates stay unless the customer indicates otherwise.

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And you just reminded me…I haaaaaaaaate when they don’t write down an order! I’m not impressed that they can remember it until they get to the POS.


yup- I’d rather you showed you were more interested in ensuring all order were correct and complete then trying to do an impression of the amazing Kreskin

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Very much a North American thing in my experience (and, yes, I know I’m on the NJ board). It simply would not happen in Europe where we would regard it as intrusive and rude, on the part of the server. It is something I put up with when I visit the States - but then I often think American restaurant service is very intrusive.


I don’t blame your friends for never going back to that place. Made me mad just reading about it.

Thanks for the heads up about uneaten pickles(good grief), containered cole slaw, tartar/cocktail sauce, butter. Never thought of that. Will do from now on and pass the word.