More Chowhound Shenanigans

It’s a part of their new active defense network designed to keep the website safe by ensuring there is no traffic!!!

I tell you, that people running that site belong to the dream police and wear tin foil hats…

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Seams some have a hard time letting go…

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But not me.

(flushing sound omitted)

Coount me in to that group. Not only do I continue to read its UK/Ireland board, I still contribute to it occasionally. Foody websites are not life-changing entities - they are simply a bit of fun.


Yes, there are still some people over there I enjoy reading who don’t post here, especially in home cooking.


That I didn’t like it.:slight_smile:

Anyway to lure them over?

So I don’t know about chowhound pop ups, but I am definitely getting tired of having Christopher Kimbal pop up all the time when I log in here.

To quote @NotJrvedivici, “Eeuuw !”

So glad this will soon be over.

Mumble grumble.


I occasionally drop in at the Québec board because other than CapnCrunch and myself, there are just about no Qc posters here. I’d be happy to find a similar local site (either in French or in English; I’m equally fluent in both).


PLEASE PLEASE get rid of Christopher Kimball!

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No idea why but I’ve never seen anything Kimball here that I know of, except a topic about his new gig.

Oh, and the pic at the top here for the Drooling Q&A series thing… but I don’t consider that an ad.

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You know it’s a little like Marlon Perkins and Jim.

Kimball just sits there while that hottie Bridget does all the tough cooking.

That show is just so sexist…

I don’'t understand why anyone uses Chowhound anymore . It’s so last year .


Habit & friends still there (as much as anywhere). Being “so last year” would give it at least 10 years too much credit.


Folk say I’m soooo 1980s. But I’m still here. Hopefuly still usefully contributing.


Hey, 1980s are the best years of my life :slight_smile:

Like you, John, I still post occasionally on CH - I’d done > 1,000 posts in over 9 years there. Some habits are a bit hard to break. But it’s more HO for me these days.

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You know, I don’t generally get a case of the ass about a site that I used to regularly go to that changed, usually by having been sold. I’ve had message board friends swear off sites because the owner sold it and the brethren didn’t like him being gone, like they’d marched in and stolen his site from him. The one, Dave’s Garden, I bet Dave made bazillions of dollars on that sale, but silly geese left in droves, all butt-hurt. Well, Chowhound just got boring with all the old good people gone, and not to diss new cooks who are looking to find themselves culinarily, Chowhound got full of them and the site, quite frankly, stopped being interesting to me. It became primarily a site for people who are just learning to cook, and I tend to like more advanced subjects, having been a foodie since the '70s, when I discovered Gourmet magazine in all its elegant snobbery.


Exactly, well said.