Bertuccis, Hazlet NJ

Are you kidding… the Chipotle style burrito is like perfect food. You get every kind of culinary contrast in that thing. I challenge anyone to name a single piece of food that has more flavor and texture combinations in a hand held package.

Every bite has some combination of:
Warm, hot and cool.
Chewy, crunchy, mushy, cheesy, gooey
Spicy, sour, salty, creamy, sweet
Topped off with the herbacious goodness of cilantro… man it’s just so good.

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Yeah just not my thing man…sorry.

I guess we weren’t meant to be lovers. :frowning:

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I have never tried Chipotle but you should be their new spokes person lol. Now I will have to go.

Ok, @seal can calm down from his jealous rage now


I had my first mission style burrito in SF when I was in like 10th grade. I had no idea what it was or what was in it, but it was one of those food experiences that stuck with me for years upon years. One of those food experiences that makes you question everything you thought you knew about food and keeps you up at night wondering what it was you just ate back there.

I kept going to Mexican restaurants here and getting burritos and wondering why the hell it was so different. Eventually I learned that it’s a SF thing, so I’m really happy to see places like Chipotle and others popping up in our area.

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Nice! What one do you get and do you just go nuts with toppings?

At Chipotle I get…
White rice / Black Beans / Grilled Chicken / all free toppings except pickled jalapeno. Always a burrito, I really love the mouthfeel of the tortilla as you bite into a giant pillow of it.

I personally think grilled chicken is the best meat to get because it has the least flavor. I really like the way it’s able to receive the flavors of everything else. Whenever I’ve gotten any of the other meats, I’ve felt like the assertive flavor of the meat left no room in the burrito for everything to come together.

Say what you will about their food but their advertising is pretty cool.

Cool. I will have to try this out one day.

So they charge for pickled jalapeno? Seems odd that they only charge for one topping